Society functions like the body- all institutions work together in harmony, like organs, for the health of the world
Functionalism- crime is inevitable, positive and important for healthy societies
Functionalism- Durkheim- 4 specific functions
Boundary maintenance, social change, safety valve, warning light
Boundary maintenance
The ways in which societies maintain distinctions between themselves and others, which helps to build up communal ties and solidarity when people resist crime/speak out
Social change
sometimes, societies norms and values need to be challenged and changes need to be made
Safety valve
allows expressions of certain impulses without breaking down institutions in society
Warning lights
crime shows there's something wrong with an institution- lots of kids in schools truanting
Durkheim strengths
first to suggest crime has positive effects- brings societies together- Manchester concert/9/11
Durkheim weaknesses
-doesn't look at the causes of crime
-overlooks disfunctions for victims, even if functional for society
-argues certain amounts of crime/deviance healthy for society -doesn't indicate how much
Merton's Strain Theory
Explains crime happens when all people want the American dream but the only ways to gain this are through ambition, effort or talent. People with low backgrounds are unequal in opportunities, therefore resort to crime/deviance
Accept goals and find illegal means to achieve them
Give up striving for success- reject law but accept means, dead end job
giving up on both the goals and the means- drop out- vagrancy/drug addicts
Merton strengths
-shows how the same goals can lead to different behaviours
-statistics show property crime is the most common, with higher rates in working class
Merton weaknesses
-overpredicts working class and ignores higher class
-ignores deviance of subcultures
-ignores crimes with no material motive
argue the unequal structure of capitalist societies shapes peoples behaviours, rich get rich and poor get poorer, poor brainwashed and too busy fighting each other to realise
upper class, all wealth and power in society
working class, exploited, sell labour to survive
working class cause of crime
-desire for consumer goods=property crime
-exploitation leads to poverty=crime to survive
-alienation/exploitation leads to frustration=vandalism/assault
upper class cause of crime
'dog-eat-dog' system promotes greed=white collar crime
found street crimes, like assault/theft reported and pursued by police more than white collar crime
laws made to protect properties of the rich- laws against vagrancy but not against owning multiple houses
set of ideals that conceal inequality in capitalist societies
Marxism- ideological functions
-selective law enforcement=makes seem like crime is the working classes fault
-some laws benefit workers to limited extents- benefiting capitalism by giving it a caring face
Marxism Strengths
-explains why all social classes commit crime
-highlights impacts of crimes and states why white collar crime is under-policed
Marxism weaknesses
-ignores non-class inequalities, like gender
-not all working class commit crime and not all capitalist societies have high crime rates, like Japan
left realism
agree with Marxism, that inequality within capitalism is the main form of crime
the process of being pushed to the edge of economic activity, with groups who are powerless and frustrated and express it through violence
Relative deprivation
how deprived someone feels in relation to others-factors like the media and cuts in benefits and unemployment increase this. People turn to crime to obtain what they feel is rightfully theirs
subgroups that share materialistic goals but lack the means to achieve them. A way for marginalised groups to cope with relative deprivation problems- crime only way to achieve the goals
Left realism solutions to crime
-community policing
-community service
-community centres
Left realism strengths
-sees crime as a real problem and aims to find the roots
-explores the roles of victims of crime
Left realism weaknesses
-over predicts- not all people in relative deprivation commit crime
-fails to explain crimes of the rich, like white collar crimes
right realism
reject Marxist view, see crime as a growing problem and find practical solutions to reduce the crime, through control and punishment
rational choice
believe crime is a calculated decision based on cost-benefit analysis, suggesting crime happens because the perceived costs of crime are low
inadequate socialisation
children who are socialised inadequately are at more risk of offending, like single mothers, underclass, lack of social control
biological differences
Biological differences between individuals make some people more likely to commit crime than others. Right realists argue that the main cause of crime is low intelligence.