Cards (26)

    • Initiative - doing things even before being told
    • Proactive - can classify opportunities and seize it
    • Problem solver - can retain good relations with other people
    • Perseverance - will pursue things to get done regardless of challenges
    • Persuasion - can entice people to buy even if they don't want to
    • Planner - makes plans before doing things and does not fail to monitor it
    • Risk-taker - willing to gamble but wise enough to offset the risk
    • Political
    • Climate
    • Legal system
    • Innovative Entrepreneurs - always make new things by thinking of new ideas
    • Imitating Entrepreneurs - don't create new things but only follow the ideas of other entrepreneurs
    • Fabian Entrepreneurs - skeptical about changes, don't initiate but follow only after they are satisfied
    • Drone Entrepreneurs - live on the labor of others, die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business
    • Social Entrepreneurs - initiate changes and drive social innovation and transformation
  • Entrepreneurship

    The act of doing, taking, and undertaking
    • Survey (Questionnaire) - most common way to gather primary research with the use of questionnaires or interview schedule
    • Interview - one of the most reliable and credible ways of getting relevant information from target customers
    • Focus Group Discussion (FGD) - excellent method for generating and screening ideas and concepts
    • Sole Proprietorship - business venture by one person only
    • Corporation - entrepreneurial venture formed by at least five but not more than fifteen persons
    • Partnership - business venture that is owned by two or more persons
    • Merchandising - engaged in the buying and selling of products or goods
    • Service - provides services to customers
    • Manufacturing - producer of goods or products
    • Agriculture - engaged in the production of agricultural goods and animals
    • Hybrid - possesses the characteristics and nature of combined types of business entities
    • Special Corporation - includes cooperatives, joint ventures, and nonprofit organizations
  • Initiative
    doing things even before being told
  • Proactive
    Can classify opportunities and seize it
  • Problem Solver
    Can retain good relations with other people
  • Perseverance
    He will pursue things to get done regardless of challenges
  • Persuasion
    He can entice people to buy even if they don’t want to
  • A Planner
    Makes plans before doing things and does not fail to monitor it
  • Risk-Taker
    Willing to gamble but he will calculate it first
  • Innovative Entrepreneurs
    those who always make new things by thinking of new ideas. They have the ability to think newer, better and more economical ideas.
  • Imitating Entrepreneurs
    those who don't create new things but only follow the ideas of other entrepreneurs.
  • Fabian Entrepreneurs
    skeptical about changes to be made in the organization.
    They don't initiate but follow only after they are satisfied.
  • Drone Entrepreneurs
    those who live on the labor of others. They are die-hard conservatives even ready to suffer the loss of business.
  • Social Entrepreneurs
    those who initiate changes and drive social innovation and transformation in the various fields such as education, health, human rights, environment and enterprise development
  • Survey
    The most common way to gather primary research
  • Interview
    most reliable and credible ways of getting relevant in information from target customers. It is typically done in person between the researcher/ entrepreneur
  • 2 Types of interview
    •Personal Interview
    •Telephone interview
  • Focus Group Discussion
    excellent method for generating and screening ideas and concepts It can be moderated group interviews and
    brainstorming sessions
  • Sole Proprietorship
    A business venture by one person only.
  • Corporation
    formed by at least five but not more than fifteen persons.
  • Partnership
    owned by two or more persons.