
Cards (90)

  • Semen
    A viscid whitish fluid of the male reproductive tract consisting of spermatozoa suspended in secretion of accessory glands
  • Semen
    • Comes from 3 main structures in the male reproductive anatomy: Prostate, Seminal vesicles, Testicles
  • Composition of Semen
    • Seminal Fluid/Plasma (90%)
    • Spermatozoa or sperm cells (10%)
    • Epithelial cells (<1%)
    • Crystals of choline and lecithin
  • Normal sperm count
    • Concentration of spermatozoa should be at least 20 million per ml
    • Total volume of semen should be at least 2ml
    • At least 75% should be alive
  • Hypospermia
    Less than 1.5ml
  • Hyperspermia
    More than 5.5 ml
  • Sperm cell
    • Head
    • Midpiece
    • Tail
  • Where semen and seminal stains can be found
    • Vaginal contents of the victim
    • Rectal contents of the victim
    • Pubic hair
    • Skin around the genitals
    • Underclothing
    • Bed clothing
  • Examination of Semen and Seminal stains
    1. Physical examination
    2. Microscopic examination
    3. Ultraviolet examination
    4. Chemical examination
  • Florence test

    Preliminary test, presence of spermatozoa confirms the presence of seminal stains. Visible result: crystals of choline periodide
  • Barberio's test
    Almost specific for human semen. Visible result: crystals which are slender yellow-tinted, rhombic needles with obtuse angle or appear as ovoid crystals
  • Acid-phosphatase test

    Based on the high acid phosphatase content of human male ejaculation. Visible result: orange-red pigment
  • Microscopic examination
    Purpose is to determine the presence of spermatozoa. Visible result: A small object with a pear-shaped head, behind which is a short neck and then a tail of about ten times as long as the head
  • Hair
    A slender, thread-like outgrowth from a follicle in the skin of mammals
  • Types of Hair
    • Real Hair
    • Fuzz Hair
  • Parts of the Hair
    • Root portion embedded in the skin
    • Shaft portion above the surface of the skin
    • Tip - sometimes termed point
  • Hair Root
    1. Anagen phase
    2. Catagen Phase
    3. Telogen Phase
  • Hair Shaft
    • Cuticle
    • Cortex
    • Medulla
  • Cuticle
    A protective coating made of overlapping scales that always point toward the hair tip
  • Cuticle scale structures
    • Coronal (crown-like)
    • Spinous (petal-like)
    • Imbricate (flattened)
  • Spinous or petal-like scales
    • Triangular in shape
    • Protrude from the hair shaft
    • Found at the proximal region of mink hairs and on the fur hairs of seals, cats, and some other animals
    • Never found in human hairs
  • Imbricate or flattened scales
    • Overlapping scales with narrow margins
    • Commonly found in human hairs and many animal hairs
  • Medulla
    The central canal of the hair that may be empty or may contain various sorts of cells more or less pigmented and begins more or less near the root
  • Medulla shape
    • Most animals and humans: cylindrical
    • Cats: pearl shape
    • Deer: spherical occupying whole hair shaft
  • Types of animal hair
    • Tactile hairs (whiskers) that are found on the head of animals and provide sensory functions
    • Guard hairs that form the outer coat of an animal and provide protection
    • Fur or wool hairs that form the inner coat of an animal and provide insulation
  • Types of medulla
    • Continuous (Mongoloid head hair)
    • Interrupted (discontinuous)
    • Fragmented (trace)
    • Absent
  • Medullary index
    Measures diameter of medulla relative to the diameter of the hair shaft expressed in fraction
  • Cortex
    • Made of spindle-shaped cells aligned in a regular array, parallel to the length of the hair
    • Embedded with pigment granules that give hair its color
  • Racial origin
    • Caucasian: Shaft diameter moderate with minimal variation, pigment granules sparse to moderately dense with fairly even distribution, cross-sectional shape oval
    • Negroid: Shaft diameter moderate to fine with considerable variation, pigment granules densely distributed and arranged in prominent clumps, shaft prominent twist and curl, cross-sectional shape flattened
  • Body parts
    • Pubic hairs are short and curly with varying shaft diameter and continuous medulla
    • Beard is coarse and triangular in cross section with blunt tips acquired from cutting or shaving
  • Forcibly removed hair
    • Suggests a violent confrontation
    • Presence of hair follicular tissue suggests hair has been pulled out quickly
  • Infant hair
    • Fine, short and fine pigment
  • Sex
    Male hair is generally larger in diameter, shorter in length, more wiry in texture than that of a female
  • Environmental alterations
    • Can result from exposure to excessive sunlight, wind dryness, and other conditions
  • Sources of collecting hair standards
    • Suspect
    • Suspect's clothing
    • Suspect's environment
    • Crime scene
    • Victim
    • Victim's clothing
    • Victim's environment
  • Process of collecting hair standards
    1. Hairs should be pulled one at a time including the roots of the hair
    2. Place the hair in paper envelope and tape all the seams and label the container
    3. Head hair standards: 20 to 50 from various areas of the scalp
    4. Pubic hair standards: at least 20-25 by pulling individual hairs from various areas around the pubic region
    5. Facial hair standards: collect at least 20 by pulling individual hairs from various regions of the face
  • Process of collecting questioned hair
    1. Pubic hair combings: usually collected in sexual assault cases and from homicide victims, place a piece of white paper under the pubic region and using a new comb, comb through the entire pubic area
    2. Other questioned hairs: place on a piece of white paper and carefully fold around the hair
  • The test has value to exclude an individual if hairs were found different from the questioned sample
  • Fiber
    The smallest unit of a textile material that has a length many times greater than its diameter, can occur naturally as plant and animal fibers or be man-made
  • Fiber evidence
    • Can be transferred in manner similar to hair evidence
    • When matched to specific source, a value is placed on that association