Developmental Biology Lab Exam

Cards (45)

  • most obvious feature of egg maturation is the...
    deposition of yolk
  • it allows the egg to grow in size to support future growth
    accumulation of yolk reserves
  • contains vast amount of mRNA, ribosomes, tRNA, and other substances
    egg cytoplasm
  • grows rapidly in size during maturation, becomes bloated with nuclear sap
  • egg becomes larger, available surface per unit of cytoplasmic volume becomes?
  • serves as support to the egg to maintain good condition
  • outermost membrane layer of the egg
    egg shell
  • composed of mainly calcium carbonate
    egg shell
  • composed of high-energy nutrients such as glycoproteins, carbohydrates and lipids
    egg yolk
  • these are broken down during embryogenesis into small molecules to synthesis new molecules

    egg yolk
  • this is the yolk mass
  • appears as circular whitish area lying atop the yolk
  • floats around the most dorsal position
  • second innermost membrane layer of the egg
    egg white
  • consist of 85% water and a mixture of albumin and other proteins
    egg white
  • inner heavier layer of albumin around the yolk
  • appears twisted into rope-liked strands
  • noncellular innermost membrane that encloses the egg cell
    vitelline membrane
  • this membrane develops in the ovary between the oocyte and the follicle cells
    vitelline membrane
  • located right after the egg white, made of keratin fibers matted together
    shell membranes
  • their connection covers all areas except at the blunt part where they are separated
    shell membranes
  • it adheres to the egg white
    inner shell membrane
  • it adheres to the egg shell leaving a space in between are spaces
    outer shell membrane
  • this is at the broad end of the hard boiled egg, vertically positioned at the marked area of the blastodisc exposing the neck of the latebra
  • a flask-shaped area where the principal accumulation of white yolk lies
  • part of the latebra that extends toward the blastoderm
    nucleus of pander
  • formed at the area that separates the yellow and white yolk
    concentric rings
  • sexual union to facilitate fertilization
    mating or copulation
  • a process that provides recombination of maternal and paternal genes, and activates the egg to begin development
    mating or copulation
  • the fertilization of organism is completed in the environment
    external fertilization
  • fertilization of fish and amphibians
    external fertilization
  • fertilization happens inside the body
    internal fertilization
  • fertilization of mammals
    internal fertilization
  • any sound produced by male or female before, during or after mating
    sound produced
  • any peculiar movement manifested by either male or female animals as gesture for mating
    body movements
  • length of time of mating
    duration of copulation
  • it is either internal or external
    type of fertilization
  • mature male mice are capable of copulation?
  • the female receives the male only during a period known as
  • are polyestrous - have a reoccurrence of estrus during the breeding season
    female mice