Second Phase: early teens to late teens
2. Boys could only walk around barefoot to toughen their feet for running and climbing
3. They trained naked to toughen their whole bodies
4. They learned to do without luxuries - they were given only one cloak to last the whole year, whatever the weather
5. They had to build their own beds from reeds they collected themselves without the use of knives to help them cut, making the beds rough and uncomfortable
6. Food was rationed so each boy had barely enough to survive
7. They were encouraged to steal more for themselves, but were severely punished if they were caught (the punishment wasn't for stealing, but for being sloppy)
8. Boys were told to cut their hair short, stay silent in public and keep their eyes on the ground as a sign of respect for elders
9. Transgressions were punished severely with beatings
10. Boys were expected to take an older man as a lover and mentor, who would help the boy with his training, and there would be competition amongst the men to mentor the strongest boys
11. If a boy was having a training fight and he cried out in pain, his mentor would be punished