Cards (6)

  • Big 3 problems of 18th and early 19th century surgery:
    • Bleeding - patients often bleed to death.
    • Infection - before germ theory, surgeons were very unhygienic.
    • Pain - alcohol and opium was used to make patients insensible before surgery. Speed of surgery was another way to cope with pain for a patient.
  • 1780 surgery:
    3 successful methods:
    • Amputations.
    • Trephinging (drilling hole in your skull to remove evil spirits).
    • Removal of superficial tumours.
  • Thomas Beddoes and Humphey Davey's invention in 1795:
    • Discovered nitrous oxide (laughing gas). Found out that it makes you giddy and relaxed.
    • They didn't realise the medical potential this had.
  • William Clarke discovered ether in 1842 which was an anasthetic.
  • In 1844, Horace Wells realised the anaesthetic potential of laughing gas, and used nitrous oxide as anaesthesia.
  • James Simpson, 1847:
    • Discovered chloroform.
    • Disliked ether as it was flamable and it irrated the lungs.
    • Chloroform was easier to administer and was less dangerous.