Industrial Revolution (4)

Cards (4)

  • It was the process of industrialisation of Europe and England was its first and greatest beneficiary. Factory industry began to produce goods in bulk in the 1780’s in selected towns of England. The development of steam engine provided power to run machines, railways and steamships. This resulted in the growth of a rich business community in England and changed the landscape of its towns and lifestyle of the people.
  • It was the process of industrialisation of Europe and England was its first and greatest beneficiary. Factory industry began to produce goods in bulk in the 1780’s in selected towns of England. The development of steam engine provided power to run machines, railways and steamships. This resulted in the growth of a rich business community in England and changed the landscape of its towns and lifestyle of the people.
  • It was the process of industrialisation of Europe and England was its first and greatest beneficiary. Factory industry began to produce goods in bulk in the 1780’s in selected towns of England. The development of steam engine provided power to run machines, railways and steamships. This resulted in the growth of a rich business community in England and changed the landscape of its towns and lifestyle of the people.
  • It was the process of industrialisation of Europe and England was its first and greatest beneficiary. Factory industry began to produce goods in bulk in the 1780’s in selected towns of England. The development of steam engine provided power to run machines, railways and steamships. This resulted in the growth of a rich business community in England and changed the landscape of its towns and lifestyle of the people.