Required Case Studies

Cards (6)

  • Asch's research into conformity/variables
    group size- increased but only to a certain number of confederates
    unanimity- dissenter present decreases conformity
    difficulty- harder tasks increase conformity (ISI)
  • Asch A03
    pp's were all American men lacks generalisability has androcentrism and ethnocentrism.
    pp's knew they were being investigated may show demand characteristics
  • Zimbardo and Social Roles
    Mock prison in stanford university
    21 emotionally stable male pp's
    both roles randomly assigned and given uniform
    Guards heavily followed roles, prisoners became depressed
    ended 8 days early
  • Zimbardo A03
    lacks realism to true prison, pp's acted as their stereotypes of roles with lacks generalisability to real prisons.
    Zimbardo may have got too involved, experimenter bias
    Zimbardo had control over key variables and could change them as pleased increasing internal validity and help draw conclusions
  • Milgrams investigation on obedience Yale
    Confederate was leaner role, pp's always teacher but did not know
    give shocks for punishment up to 450V, cannot see them
    proximity- press learners hand decreased obey
    location- run down office block decreased obey
    uniform- decreased obey when not in lab coat(authority legitimacy)
  • Milgram AO3
    Ethical issues- do no harm and deception
    pp's may not have believed shocks are real, showing demand characteristics, decreasing validity of results.