Cards (5)

  • CBT is focused on changing obsessional thinking. suffererrs are taught to focus on their estimations of potential risks and realistically assess the likelihood of them occuring. sufferers are are encouraged to practise their new adaptive beliefs and to disregard their former maladaptive ones. although CBT is seen as the most effective treatment for OCD, even higher success rates are found when it is combined with drug treatments
  • O'Connor et al

    assessed the effect of combining CBT with drug medications. patients recieved either drugs and CBT together, CBT only, durgs only, or no treatment. patients in all groups, except the no - treatment group, showed improvements, but most symptom reducation was seen when drugs were combined with CBT, especially if drugs were given for the period first. this suggests that the most effective treatment is to first administer drugs to reduce symptoms, so that CBT can then have a more beneficial effect
  • O'Kearney et al

    assessed the ability of CBT to treat children and adolescents with OCD, finding it effective, but more so when combined with drug treatments, demonstrating how drugs and CBT can work together to alleviate the condition
  • Jonsson and Hougaard
    found that CBT was better than drug treatments in reducing OCD symptoms, which suggests its a more effective treatment than drug therapy
  • evaluation
    -> although CBT was acknowledged to be more effective and not to have the side effects of other treatments associated with OCD, it isnt suitable for patients who have difficulties talking about inner feelings, or for those who dont possess the verbal skills to do so. maybe such patients would be more suited to drug therapies
    -> drugs may not 'cure' OCD but they reduce anxiety and symptoms sufficiently for CBT to be successfully introduced, showing how the two treatments can be successfully coombined
    -> drug treatments are long compared to CBT. at least 1 year with improvements