Where an object moves so that its acceleration is proportional to its displacement from a fixed point and acceleration is directed toward a fixed point
At max displacement, velocity is 0 and acceleration is at a maximum
When the displacement is 0, the acceleration is 0 and velocity is at a maximum
Damping is the reduction in amplitude due to resistive forces, with the period remaining unaffected
Criticaldamping is where the resistive forces are just large enough to prevent oscillations occurring at all when the system is displaced and released
Criticaldamping is used in a train buffer, stopping the train from rebounding or going straight through the buffer
Freeoscillations is where an object oscillates continually as there are no resistive forces, oscillating at its naturalfrequency
Forced Oscillations is when a driving force causes the system to oscillate at the same frequency as the driving force
Resonance is where a driving force is close to the naturalfrequency of the system, causing a largeamplitude
An example of resonance is pushing a person on a swing, only pushing when they reach the highest point of their motion, causing them to swing higher