Medieval period: 1000 - 1500

Cards (26)

  • When was the Anglo Saxon period?
    1000 - 1066
  • Murdrum law
    Created by William the Conqueror. Saxon community must face a fine for the murder of a Norman. Used as a deterrent since Normans were a tiny minority of 7000 among 2 million Saxons
  • What was the Wergild?
    first introduced in the Saxon period. a system of compensation paid to the victims of the crime or their families. 2 shillings to the owner for killing a slave. 1200 shillings for killing a thane.
  • What was the Hue & Cry?
    First introduced in the Saxon period. Entire village expected to catch the criminal, if anyone didn’t join the whole village would have to pay a fine
  • What was a tithing?
    Used in Anglo-Saxon time. Every male over 12 was expected to join. It was a group of 10 men responsible for each other - if one committed a crime, the others had to bring him to court or pay a fine
  • What was trial by ordeal?
    Used in Anglo-Saxons. Four main types: hot water, cold water, hot iron, blessed bread. Accused had to fast for 3 days and then hear Mass as preparation.
  • Trial by hot iron
    Usually women. Accused picked up hot iron and walked three paces. Hand bandaged for 3 days
  • Trial by hot water
    Hand put in boiling water and bandaged for 3 days
  • Trial by blessed bread
    Taken by priests
  • Which hated law did William introduce?
    Forest laws. Hunting deer punished by first 2 fingers chopped off, repeat offenders were blinded
  • Trial Normans introduced
    Trial by combat
  • What law did the Normans end?
    Wergild - fines instead paid to the King’s officials (King’s Peace)
  • Courts Normans introduced
    Church courts - used for churchmen, dealt with moral offences, more lenient (never sentenced death)
  • What was the benefit of the clergy?
    When the accused claimed the right to be tried in church courts. Church created a test requiring accused to read Bible verse which became known as the ‘neck verse’
  • What was claiming sanctuary?

    Someone on the run from the law under protection of the church. They had 40 days to face trial or leave the country
  • What were parish constables?
    Created by Edward I in 1285 - unpaid volunteers to keep peace
  • When was trial by ordeal abolished?
    1215 - by Pope Innocent III
  • When were Royal coroners introduced?
    1190 by the king to determine causes of death.
  • When was the Norman period?
    1066 - 1200
  • When was the later mediaeval period?
    1200 - 1500
  • When was the murdrum fine abolished?
  • When were heresy laws introduced?
    1382 – as there were increasing challenges to the church
  • What were the Circuit courts?
    Created in 1166 - Royal judges tried more serious crimes in important towns
  • When were Justices of the Peace introduced?
  • What was the early Saxon blood feud?
    Victim’s family took revenge
  • When was hung, drawn and quartered introduced?
    1305 - punishment for treason