Gross Negligence Manslaughter

Cards (4)

  • Defintion
    Where D causes death towards V, breaching duty of care
    Ds acts/omissions must fall so far below the required standards of care that it goes beyond compensation and amount to crime
  • Key element 1
    Did D owe a duty of care?
    Was it reasonably foreseeable that V may be injured due to Ds negligence (Singh)
    If V had failed to do something - did they owe V a duty to act (Winter)
  • Key element 2
    Did D breach duty?
    Fell below the standards of a reasonable person performing that activity
    *Did breach cause death - Factual + legal causation
    *Omissions cases- prosecution must prove that V could have been saved (Broughton)
    *Was there a foreseeable risk of death (Rose)
  • Key element 3
    Was D grossly negligent?
    *Must be so gross that it is considered criminal (Adomako)
    *So bad it must be criminally judged (Bateman)