Terrestrial Insects

Cards (6)

  • Insects have a fibrous exoskeleton for protection and a lipid layer to prevent water loss
  • Insect Tracheal System:
    • Spiracles (valves) for air entry
    • Trachea is a network of internal tubes with rings to strengthen
    • Tracheoles are smaller tubes branching, delivering O2 to respiring cells
  • Diffusion of gases down the concentration gradient in cells and tracheoles
  • Mass Transport contracts and relaxes abdominal muscle to move gas on mass
  • Inflight creates anaerobic respiration producing lactate, lowering water potential of cells, water moves from tracheoles to cells via osmosis, lowering volume and air being drawn in
  • Insects Prevent Water Loss by...
    • Small SA:V
    • Waterproof exoskeleton
    • Spiracles can open and close