Digestion and Absorption

Cards (6)

  • Large molecules are hydrolysed into smaller molecules
  • Digestion of Carbohydrates:
    • Begins in mouth, then duodenum, then completed in the ileum
    • Involves amylase and membrane-bound disaccharidases
    • Amylases produced in the salivary glands and pancreas, hydrolysing polypeptides into maltose, breaking glycosidic bonds
    • Sucrase and Lactase are membrane-bound enzymes
  • DIgestion of Proteins:
    • Begins in the stomach, then duodenum, then ends in ileum
    • Endopeptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds in the middle
    • Exopeptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds at the ends
    • Membrane Bound Peptidases hydrolyse peptide bonds between 2 amino acids
  • Digestion of Lipids:
    • Digested by lipase and bile salts
    • Lipase is produced in the pancreas, hydrolysing ester bonds in triglycerides to form monoglycerides and fatty acids
    • Bile salts produced in the liver emulsify lipids into micelles to increase surface area for lipase to act on
    • Micelles include fatty acids, glycerol, monoglycerides and bile salts
    • Micelles are non-polar and can simply diffuse across membranes
    • Micelles are modified back into triglycerides in the golgi and ER once in the cell
  • Absorption occurs in the ileum, walls are covered in villi and microvilli to increase surface area, with a network of capillaries to reduce diffusion distance
  • Glucose and Amino Acids require active transport and co-transport to be absorbed as there is a higher concentration in the epithelial cell