young people are digital natives, they use dc exceedingly more, to the point of it becoming a ’naturalenviroment‘ - older people are left as digitalimmigrants/strangers, cannot ‘keep up’ with the youth
eg of prensky (elderly)
the elderly cannot book tickets to the cinema on their own
ONS 2019 (elderly) positive
the generational divide may be shrinking, older groups of people are engaging in more in online activities. 65 - 74 year old age group = increased engagement in online activities with 52% in 2011 and 83% in 2019
eg of ONS 2019 (elderly)
elderly using social media applications like facebook to keep in contact with family
OFCOM (elderly) negative
socialising now coming from texting, the youngergenerations are shapingdigitalcommunication habits, and the millennium generation = losing their voice - suffering significantly not being able to communicateeffectively
eg of OFCOM 2019 (elderly)
house party - an app where children communicate through virtual chat rooms, message and more
the elderly struggling to even message
silver surfer study (elderly) positive
theelderly now embracingtechnology and adjusting to using it, with the help of ‘digitalbuddies’ — the campaign provides online, offline and one to one support, helping the elderly participate in dc
statistic of silver surfer (elderly)
Allison Preston “the UK’s older gen = embracing smart tech to keep in touch with friends and family“
berry (elderly) negative
found that those who don’t have access to the internet say that they ’lackskills‘ or ‘interest’ — also that there are psychological barriers preventing old people from accessing the internet, essentially marginalising them
eg of berry (elderly)
theelderly not wanting to have to learn to use a computer