Cards (10)

  • What is ethics?
    The standard of morally right and wrong conduct in business
  • An ethical business
    Considers the needs of all stakeholders
    Sets objectives and considers strategy
    Considers the social responsibilities
  • Employees
    Seen as valuable assets to the business
    They take care of their health and safety, working conditions and wage
  • Suppliers
    Must be treated fairly
    This means sticking to contract agreements, no renegotiation, paying on time and not pressuring suppliers
  • Customers
    -They want a quality product or service at a fair price.
    -Businesses that act unethically fail to fulfill this moral commitment to customers.
  • Environmental ethics
    Environmental pressure groups have become increasingly effective in influencing business decision makers.
  • Animal welfare
    Some businesses claim to be ethical
    Grocers look down the supply chain to ensure that businesses were telling the truth
    Eg. Free range products
  • What is corporate social responsibility (CSR)?
    CSR is the concept that businesses have a responsibility that goes beyond making profit for their shareholders.
    Businesses need to monitor and take responsibility for the impact on both social welfare and environment.
  • Social and environmental audits (SEAs) 

    -How well do we ensure human rights
    -Do we use suppliers who use child labour?
    -Do we discriminate when recruiting?
  • Ethics and profitability
    • Cost are likely to rise (paying a 'living wage', providing sport facilities)
    • Revenue are likely to fall (less advertisement during seasonal sales)
    • Acting ethically can improve public relations (E.g horse meat scandal)
    • Some customers are attracted to those businesses that adapt an ethical approach (using Fair-trade products)