Individuals should be free to pursue actions that in no way constrain the liberty of others (self-regarding actions)
Minimal state
State only takes what actions are necessary to protect property and individual rights
Enabling state
Degree of state intervention is in place to ensure that even the disadvantaged can experience a life of true liberty
Foundational equality
Everyone is born with equal entitlement, the same human/natural rights, & the same moral worth
Formal equality
Equal legal status for all members of society regardless of social background
Equality of opportunity
Individuals have an equal chance in life regardless of social class, ethnicity, age, gender, etc.
Social contract
Invisible contract between the people & the state, defining the rights/duties of the ruled/their rulers
People are defined by merit/ability rather than the social circumstances of their birth
Mechanistic theory
The state was created by man to serve the people & act in their interests
Accepting actions/ideas you dislike/disagree with; being comfortable with the diversity of human life
Limited government
Principle that an overreaching govt is unacceptable, & that govt intervention should be limited
Egoistical individualism
Individuals are primarily concerned with pursuing their own self-interest, owing little/nothing to society; society should leave individuals free to choose their own lifestyle & decide how best to use their talents
Developmental individualism
Extent to which all individuals are able to grow & achieve their potential in common with others in society
Negative freedom
Freedom from outside intervention/absence of obstacles to something an individual wants to do e.g. a law prohibiting it
Positive freedom
Freedom to fulfil our goals, threatened by inequality, poverty, lack of education, etc.
Laissez-faire economics
As few state regulations, subsidies, taxes as possible
Free market capitalism
Economic system not under control of the govt: mostly privatisation, & limited govt intervention to influence the outcomes of market activity
The market isn’t self-correcting & isn’t naturally inclined towards a state of equilibrium so state intervention is both necessary & justified to prevent the collapse of capitalism
Classical liberalism key ideas:
Formal equality
Negative freedom
Minimal, 'nightwatchman' state
Egotistical individualism
Marketplace is the best system for meeting our needs
Laissez-faire: creates great inequality but the poor will still be better off because the country as a whole will be wealthier
J.S. Mill (Classical)
State justified to limit individual actions when they limit others’ freedom
Harm principle
Despotism of custom: society encourages everyone to act in the same manner; don’t force opinions on others unless certain of their truth
Assumptions must be subject to marketplace of ideas: truth emerges from discussion & experience
Majority opinion can be wrong: holds no authority/absolute certainty
Individuals are sovereign & have free will: responsible for charting their own path in life
Utilitarianism: actions that promote the most happiness are best
Wollstonecraft (Classical)
Men & women equally rational: women may appear inferior but this is a result of inferior education
Locke (Classical)
Social contract: theoretical agreement
Limited govt: consent from below, only act to protect liberty & property
State only legitimate because of consent (can be removed at any time if social contract is broken e.g. in an election)
Relationship between state/citizens is 2-way: obey the law, protect citizens
Individuals are rational: know our liberties are best protected by the state & that it is best placed to prevent invasion/disorder, so allowing the state to govern promotes our best interests
Modern Liberalism key ideas:
Free market has led to many not being free
Formal equality
Positive freedom, developmental individualism
Enabling state (welfare)
Social justice = better distribution
Greater equality of opportunity (all are equal)
Self-realisation not possible in isolation (dependent on others)
Some redistribution necessary for equality of opportunity
Society contributes to wealth creation so taxation /= redistribution/theft, = society taking its fair share
Rawls (Modern)
Veil of ignorance: considering the society you want, without knowing your role in it; rather than risk poverty, people want a fairer society with good housing/education etc.
Justice as fairness: society must be just & guarantee everyone a life worth living; justice = what everyone would agree to from position of ignorance
American Dream/’rags to riches’ stops the powerful remedying unfairness
Friedan (Modern)
Legislative reform to address gender inequality
Political process is male-dominated but sufficient scope to advance the feminist position
Equality of opportunity
Women are trapped by social expectations: few +ve female role models who work outside the home & have a family
Feminine mystique
Women are as capable of men to perform any kind of work
Feminine mystique
Illusion created by mostly male advertising industry that sells women a domestic lifestyle