despite legislation (EqualPay and SexDiscrimination Acts) women continue to be disadvantaged and restricted by culturalvalues (expectation of mother/housewiferole).
what are patriarchal means of production?
menbenefit by women's unpaiddomesticlabour.
what is patriarchal culture?
women gained morefreedom but are still subject to socialexpectations in terms of standards of behaviour (eg deviantbehaviour).
what is sexuality?
greater freedom to expresssexuality but subject to doublestandard of sexuality.
what is male violence towards men?
the threat of violencediscourages women from challenging patriarchalauthority.
what is the state?
now not as patriarchal but does relativelylittle to protect women from patriarchalpower (eg genderpaygap).
how has patriarchy changed?
from private patriarchy where women were dominated in the home, to public patriarchy which now dominates where are mostly segregated into lowpaid, lowstatus jobs, and are collectivelyexploited.