Biology Paper 1 practicals

Cards (9)

  • Required practical 1: Microscopes?
    • Peel of an epidermal layer on the onion via forceps and place on slide
    • Add 2 drops of iodine solution to stain the cells
    • Place slide on stage, use clips to hold slide in place
    • Cover the slide by placing a cover slip slowly on top using forceps to prevent air bubbles
    • Select lowest power objective lens, usually 4x
    • Position objective lens so it almost touches slide
    • Slowly turn coarse focusing dial
    • When objective lens almost touches, stop turning dial
  • Required practical 2: Culturing Microorganisms?
    • Clean work bench via disinfectant to prevent contaminations
    • Sterilise inoculating loop via bunsen burner flame
    • Open sterile agar gel plate near bunsen burner flame to kill any bacteria in the air
    • Use loop to spread chosen bacteria
    • Place sterile filter paper discs containing antibiotics onto plate
    • Incubate at 25 degrees celcius
  • Why incubate at 25?
    To prevent growth of harmful bacteria
  • Required practical 3: Osmosis?
    • Ensure all 3 potato pieces are the same length
    • Place each piece into a test tube
    • Add 10cm^3 of 0.5 molar sugar solution to first test tube
    • Add 10cm^3 of 0.25 molar sugar solution to second test tube
    • Add 10cm^3 of distilled water to final test tube
    • Leave overnight for osmosis to take place
    • Remove the potato pieces and roll on paper towel to remove any surface moisture
  • Required practical 4: Food tests?
    Make solution of the food via grinding with pestle and mortar, and adding distilled water
    • Starch: turns iodine from orange to black
    • Sugars: when heated turns benedict's solution from blue to brick red
    • Protein: turns biuret's reagent from blue to purple
    • Lipids(fats): add cold ethanol, then mix with water. When shook it should turn cloudy
  • Required practical 5: Enzymes
    • Measure out enzyme and substrate(e.g starch & amylase)
    • Place separately in water bath, along with buffer solution if changing the pH
    • Prepare a spotting tile with iodine drops
    • Mix the reactants together & start timer
    • Every 10 seconds, remove a drop of the mixture & put in a dimple of iodine
    • If it changes colour, starch is still present
    • Once all starch is broken down, it will not change colour
    • Repeat this process for different temperatures or different pH buffer solutions
  • Microscopes part 2?
    • Look down eye piece while adjusting coarse focusing lens until cells come into focus
    • Use fine focusing dial to bring cells into clear focus
    • Make labelled drawing of the cells you can see
  • Required practical 6: Photosynthesis?
    • Cut pondweed stem
    • put in inverted measuring cylinder filled with water (add sodium hydrogen carbonate to provide CO2)
    • measure distance from light source
    • let acclimate first, then measure volume of oxygen made in 1 minute or count bubbles
    • repeat at different distances from light sources
  • What is the inverse square law?
