
Cards (3)

  • romeo’s false love for rosaline

    ”o brawling love, o loving hate”
    ”think thy swan a crow”
    —link to “so shows a snowy dove trooping with crows”
  • R&J’s first meeting
    religious imagery:
    ”shrine”, “sin”, “pilgrims”, “saints”, “prayer”
    ”you kiss by th’ Book” -reference to Bible, makes the sin of kissing holy.
    religious puns = chaste, innocent love, inexperience
    SONNET form and shared dialogue represents…
    • requited love
    • equality in love
    • contrasts Petrarchan lover where woman is the passive counterpart in the relationship
  • marriage of R&J:

    Friar believed their love was more powerful than conflict:
    ”To turn your household’s rancour into pure love”