
Cards (21)

  • Vital Capacity
    The volume of air that can be expelled (breathed out) from the lungs by a forced expiration, following the greatest possible inspiration
  • Vital Capacity is 3500 to 4800 ml
  • Tidal Air
    The volume of air that is breathed in or out during normal quiet inspiration or expiration
  • Tidal Air is 500 ml
  • Inspiratory reserve volume
    The extra volume of air that can be inspired following a normal inspiration
  • Inspiratory reserve volume is 1500 to 2000 ml
  • Expiratory reserve volume
    The volume of air that can be expelled from the lungs following a normal expiration
  • Expiratory reserve volume is 1500 ml
  • Residual Volume
    The amount of air that remains in the lungs following a forced expiration, that cannot be expelled
  • Residual Volume is 1200 to 1500 ml
    • Functions of the Respiratory System
    1. To supply oxygen to the blood
    2. To get rid of accumulated carbon dioxide
    3. To get rid of some moisture (water)
    4. To get rid of some waste products
    • Some Pathological Conditions
    Atelectasis – collapse of the whole or part of a lung
    Bronchiectasis – the dilatation of the bronchus
    Bronchitis – inflammation of the bronchus
    Tracheobronchitis – inflammation of trachea and bronchi
    Laryngitis – inflammation of the larynx
    Pneumonitis – inflammation of the lung
    Bronchopneumonia – inflammation of part of a lobe or segment.
    Lobar pneumonia – inflammation of one or more lobes by a specific microogranism
  • Pathological Conditions
    Viruspneumonia – inflammation due to virus  Pleurisy – inflammation of the pleura  Pleural effusion – fluid in the pleural cavity  Empyema – pus in the pleural cavity  Hemothorax – blood in the pleural cavity  Pneumothorax – air in the pleural cavity  Encapsulated epmyema or effusion – fluid walled off in a part of the pleural cavity.
  • Some Operative Procedures
    Tracheotomy – an opening is made into the trachea
    Lobectomy – one of the pulmonary lobes is removed
    Pneumonectomy – an entire lung is removed.
    Segmental resection – a lung segment is removed.
    Thoracoplasty – the ribs are cut through in several places
    Thoracocentesis – insertion of a hollow needle
    • Anomalies of the Respiratory System
    Agenesis = no lung, lung has not formed  Hypoplasis = underdevelopment  Cysts = hollow cavities filled with fluid  Broncheoesophageal fistula = bronchus or trachea communicates with the esophagus.
  • Larynx – organ of voice or voice box, is a triangular boxlike structure that lies in the anterior part of the neck.
    Parts: o Thyroid cartilage – composed of 2 flat plates o Cricoid cartilage – is shaped like a signet ring. o Vocal folds – are paired folds o Glottis –slitlike opening between the vocal folds.
  • Trachea – or windpipe, is a hollow tube 11 cm or about 4.5 inches in length extending from the larynx above to bronchi below. Consists of 16 to 20 incomplete ring.
     The Bronchi – are hollow branched tubes continuous above with the trachea.
    • Bronchioles – division of the smallest bronchi.
    • Respiratory bronchioles – smallest bronchioles that leads into the air sacs of the lungs.
  •  Nasal cavities – 2 chambers of the nose.  The Pharynx or throat – lies posterior to the nasal cavities,
    mouth, and larynx.
     Nasal pharynx or nasopharynx
    o Soft palate – projects posteriorly from the
    hard palate.
    o Auditory tube – canal between the nasal
    pharynx and middle ear
    o Adenoids – located on the posterior wall
    of the nasal pharynx.
    o Epiglottis – is a flat leaflike plate of cartilage
    o Tonsils – masses of lymphoid tissu
  • The Bronchi – are hollow branched tubes continuous above with the trachea. o Main bronchi  Carina – is a ridge of cartilage between the openings from the trachea into right and left main bronchus
  • Surfaces
    Costal surface – of the lung is that surface that lies adjacent to the ribs and cartilages.  Diaphragmatic surface – is the part in contact with the diaphragm  Mediastinal surface