psychosexual development?

Cards (5)

    1. Oral stage?

    (0-15 mnth) id present from birth, libido is focused on mouth as infants get pleasure from sucking/biting.
    • must achieve weaning
    • fixation could lead to smoking, overeating
  • 2. anal stage?

    (1-3 yr) ego develops. libido focuses on anus, gain pleasure from achieving control over bodies (retaining/eliminating faeces)
    • must achieve potty training
    • overindulgence= messy disorganised people. underindulgence= tidy, obsessive personalities
  • 3. phallic stage?
    93-5 yr) libido focuses on genitals, pleasure comes with playing and develop strong attachment to opposite-sex parent
    • need to achieve successful resolution of attachment (oedipus complex, identifying with same sex parent)
    • fixation= repression of sexuality
  • 4. latency stage?
    (5 to puberty) sexual feelings supressed to focus on other aspects of life, time for absorbing culture, same sex friendships, adjusting to social environments ect.
  • 5. genital stage?

    (puberty onwards)stage is marked by renewed focus of genitals, sexual interes, desire, pursuit of sexual relations.