Focused on the importance of early childhood experiences and relationships with parents as guiding forces that shape personality development
Sees the unconscious mind and motivates as much more powerful than the conscious awareness
Traditionally used dream interpretation to uncover the unconscious thoughts, feelings, and impulses as a main form of treatment neurosis and mental illness
The primary approach is that people strive toward meaning, growth, well being, happiness and psychological health
State of positive emotion and happiness foster psychological health and pro social behavior
Assume that not only are we driven by a search for meaning, but also that negativeexperiences such as failure, awareness of death, death of a loved one, and anxiety, as a part of the human condition and can foster psychological growth
Argue that the unique and long term tendencies to behave in particular ways are the essence of our personality
These unique dispositions, such as extraversions or anxiety, are called traits
The field has converged on the understanding that there are five main trait dimensions in human personality: extraversion (or extroversion), agreeableness, openness, conscientiousness, and neuroticism