Lesson 5: Biochemical Tests

Cards (7)

  • Identify the following biochemical tests & corresponding results
    A) biuret
    B) violet
    C) ninhydrin
    D) ruhemann's purple
    E) yellow
  • Identify the following biochemical tests, corresponding amino acids, & results
    A) xanthoproteic
    B) W Y
    C) yellow
    D) millon-nasse
    E) Y
    F) old rose
    G) bromine water
    H) W
    I) pink
    J) pauly
    K) H
    L) fuschia
    M) lead acetate
    N) C
    O) black brown
    P) sakaguchi
    Q) R
    R) red orange
  • Qualitative Tests for Proteins & Amino Acids:
    • Biuret
    • Ninhydrin
    • Xanthoproteic
    • Millon-Nasse
    • Bromine Water
    • Pauly
    • Lead Acetate
    • Sakaguchi
  • Identify the following qualitative tests, corresponding sugars, & results
    A) molisch
    B) aldose ketose
    C) violet ring
    D) iodine
    E) starch
    F) blue
    G) benedict's
    H) reducing sugars
    I) red orange yellow green
    J) osazone
    K) reducing sugars
    L) yellow crystals
    M) mucic acid
    N) galactose
    O) white crystals
    P) barfoed's
    Q) monosaccharides
    R) brick-red
    S) seliwanoff's
    T) aldose ketose
    U) red
    V) light pink
  • Qualitative Tests for Carbohydrates:
    • Molisch
    • Iodine
    • Benedict's
    • Osazone
    • Mucic acid
    • Barfoed's
    • Seliwanoff's
  • Identify the following qualitative tests, corresponding for, & results
    A) acrolein
    B) glycerol
    C) acrid smell
    D) phosphate
    E) phosphate
    F) yellow ppt
    G) liebermann-burchard
    H) cholesterol
    I) blue-green
    J) unsaturation
    K) double bonds
    L) decolorized
    M) emulsification
    N) milky white
  • Qualitative Tests for Lipids:
    • Acrolein
    • Phosphate
    • Liebermann-Burchard
    • Unsaturation
    • Emulsification