
Cards (22)

  • Where was the first shot of the Civil War?
    South Carolina at Fort Sumter
  • Who was the president of confederate?
    Jefferson Davis
  • Which general replaced Irene McDowell?
    Major General George McClellan
  • What was the first major battle of the Civil War?
    The battle of Manassas
  • Who won the first major battle of the Civil War?
  • What city was captured my Farragut?
    New Orleans
  • Why did Robert.E.Lee join the Confederacy?
    because Virginia seceaded from the union, so he joined his family in the confederacy
  • What did Lee call the Confederacy army in Virginia after he took over?
    The “Army of Northern Virginia”
  • Which general would be an instrumental towards a Confederate victory Manassas and later became Lee’s most trusted general?
    Stonewall Jackson
  • What the decree from President Lincoln declared all slaves from states at war with a union to be free?
    Emancipation Proclamation
  • How was General George McLennan able to defeat general Lee at Antietam?
    Union reinforcements (got reinforcements)
  • Why was McLennan unable to completely destroy Lee’s army?
    he knew his plans and his soldiers were in pain
  • When was the battle of Gettysburg fought?
    July 1863
  • Which general led to the union forces?
    General Meade
  • Which general led the confederate force?
    General Lee
  • In which state is the battle of Gettysburg occur
  • On what day was the Gettysburg address?
    November 19, 1863
  • Which famous charge saw confederate forced decimated the battle of Gettysburg?
    Pickett's Charge
  • Why did Lincoln choose grant to lead the union army?
    He didn’t think twice about going into battle
  • Where and when did Lee surrender to grant?
    Apamatics court house -April 1865
  • What’s states did Sherman march through?
    South Carolina and georgia
  • Who killed Abraham Lincoln
    John Wilkes