
Cards (72)

  • Christians believe that Jesus was sent by God to save humanity from sin, and he died on the cross as an act of sacrifice.
  • Jesus rose again three days later, proving his divinity and offering eternal life to those who follow him.
  • The Quran is the holy book of Islam.
  • The Bible is the holy book of Christianity.
  • Muslims believe that Allah revealed the Quran to Muhammad through the angel Gabriel over a period of twenty-three years, beginning on July 23, 610 CE, when he was forty years old.
  • The Quran contains 114 suras (chapters) arranged by length, with the shortest being only three verses long and the longest containing eighty-six verses.
  • The resurrection is when Christians believe that Jesus rose again three days after his death, proving that he had defeated death and giving hope to believers.
  • Christians believe that through faith in Jesus Christ they can have eternal life with God.
  • Jesus' ascension into heaven shows that he has returned to be with God and will return one day to judge all people.
  • The resurrection is celebrated during Easter Sunday services.
  • Easter Sunday celebrates the belief that Jesus Christ rose from the dead after being crucified.
  • Muslims believe that Allah (God) revealed the Quran through the angel Gabriel to Muhammad over a period of twenty-three years.
  • It marks the end of Holy Week and the beginning of the Easter season.
  • Muhammad received revelations while meditating in a cave called Hira near Mecca.
  • Islam teaches that there are six articles of faith: belief in one God, angels, prophets, scriptures, resurrection, and predestination.
  • The first five verses of the Quran are known as Surat al-Fatiha or "the opening chapter."
  • Muhammad received revelations from Allah through the angel Gabriel, which were recorded in the Quran.
  • Muhammad's first revelation came during Ramadan, which is considered one of the holiest months in the Islamic calendar.
  • Islam teaches that there are no intermediaries between humans and God; Muslims pray directly to Allah without any priests or other religious figures acting as mediators.
  • Suras are further divided into ayat or verses.
  • Allah is believed to be omnipotent (all-powerful), omniscient (all-knowing), and merciful.
  • Christians celebrate Easter Sunday as the day when Jesus rose from the dead.
  • The first five suras of the Quran are known as the "Meccan Revelations" because they were received during Muhammad's time in Mecca.
  • Easter Sunday celebrates the belief that Jesus rose from the dead, defeating sin and death.
  • The remaining suras are called the "Medinan Revelations," as they were given while Muhammad lived in Medina.
  • Good Friday commemorates the crucifixion of Jesus Christ.
  • Jehovah's Witnesses are a Christian denomination founded in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, USA, in 1879.
  • Humans sinned against God and became separated from Him, but He sent Jesus as a sacrifice to restore their relationship with Him.
  • The Trinity refers to the belief that there are three distinct persons within the one Godhead - Father, Son, and Holy Spirit.
  • They reject the Trinity doctrine and believe that Jesus is not coequal or coeternal with God but rather created by him as an invisible spirit person.
  • God created everything out of nothing, including humans who were made in His image.
  • Humans sinned against God and became separated from Him, but He sent Jesus as a sacrifice to restore their relationship with Him.
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  • Islam Practices Revision Teaching
    • Explain the importance of the pilgrimage of Hajj? How do Muslims prepare for it?
    • Explain the importance of Laylatul Qadr (night of power) for Muslims
    • Explain the Sunni belief of Ashura?
    • Explain how and why Muslims would give Zakat?
    • Explain how and why Shia Muslim would give Khums
    • Explain the Shia belief Ashura?
    • Explain how and why Muslims would give sadaqah?
    • Explain what is meant by 'greater jihad' and how will it be carried out?
    • Explain the importance of Eid ul Adha?
    • Explain what is 'lesser jihad' and how will it be carried out?
  • Islam Beliefs and Teachings Revision
    • Explain why it is important for Muslims to believe that even though God is beyond human understanding, he makes himself known in ways people can partly understand
    • Explain the main similarities and differences between the belief of Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims
    • Explain how the belief in predestination and human freedom can affect what happens on the Day of Judgement
    • Explain what angels do and why
    • Explain why the following angels are important: Jibril, Mika'il
    • Explain what prophethood is
    • Explain why Adam is an important prophet?
    • Explain the important of Ibrahim to Muslims
    • Explain why the Qur'an is important to Muslims
    • Explain why Muhammad is important to Muslims
    • Explain what impact the belief in life after death will have on the lives of believers
    • Explain why the imamate is important in Shia Islam
    • Explain what other Holy books are important in Islam
  • The 5 pillars of Islam. The 6 obligatory actions all Muslims are expected to follow and practice
    • Shahadah: Muslim declaration of faith
    • Salah: Prayer
    • Zakat: Charity
    • Sawm: Fasting
    • Hajj: Pilgrimage to Mecca
  • Shahadah

    Muslim declaration of faith
  • "I bear witness that there is no god besides Allah" means that there is only one God and no other person can come as God
  • "I bear witness that Muhammad is His servant and messenger" means that he should not be mistaken for God, because of his standing, for he was just a servant
  • Importance of the two statements in the shahadah
    • Promotes Tawhid (the oneness of God) that all Muslims believe in and also to stay away from shirk (believing in multiple-gods)
    • The shahadah is the first pillar of Islam because the declarations welcome a person to Islam and writes all Muslims. Without it, the other practices do not count