Cards (5)

  • liturgical worship
    • set prayers and rituals, everything follows same format
    • roman catholics and orthadox christians
    • feels more formal and serious
    • could get boring after time, discourage people from going to church
  • non-liturgical worship
    • public worship in a church without set prayers or rituals
    • leader of worship free to choose hymns, prayers, main focus of service
    • could include music as a form of worship
    • used in pentecostal-type churches
    • something new to learn everytime, feels more inviting, flexible, etc
    • can be distracting as theres a lot going on, less formal, may feel disorganised
  • informal worship
    • type of worship many christian families do at home
    • saying grace before meals, family prayers, celebrating festivals
    • most christian families
    • brings family together in worship. good introduction to religion for children
    • not as serious and people may not go to church
  • private worship
    • opportunity to worship god at certain times on their own
    • pray in private, read bible alone
    • gives opportunity to talk to god, think about faith
    • most christians do this when they wish to talk to god alone
    • no distractions, can be done anywhere at any time, feels more personal
    • no sense of christian community, easy to forget to do
  • importance of having different types of worship
    • public worship - sense of community, belonging
    • liturgical - helps embed worship into life (same time every week)
    • non-liturgical - reflects mood, comes from own feelings
    • family - bring family together
    • private - communicate with god alone, express emotions alone
    • informal - can worship anywhere in any way
    • set prayers - order and purpose, god is never forgotten