Basketball is an invasion/territorial game invented by James Naismith in 1891. The first game was played with a soccer ball and two peach baskets used as nets.
Scoring; Baskets made within the 3-point line are worth 2 points.
Scoring; Baskets made beyond the 3-point line are worth 3 points.
Scoring; Basket made from the free throw line given as a result of a foul are worth 1 point.
Rules; Violation: If a player travles with the ball without dribbling
Rules; Violation: If a player double-dribbles after dribbling the ball.
Rules; Violation: If a player carries when dribbling the ball underneath their hand.
Rules; Foul: When a player reaches and touches the ball handler.
Playing Area: The width of the court is called the baseline.
Playing Area: The length of the court is called the sideline.
Main skills used when playing: Dribbling, speed and static, passing and shooting. Others include decision-making and communication.
Dribbling: Is used to travel around the playing area. A dribble consists of only the fingertips of the hand touching the ball, with the hand located on the top of the ball.
Static dribbling: -The ball is dribbled below the waist, with the foot on the opposite side of the body slightly forward.
-The opposite arm is up in a firm position(armbar) to protect the ball.
Dribble using a mediumamount of force.
Speed dribbling: - A speed dribble is used to move the ball quickly down the court.
The ball is being pushed in front of the body
Dribbled height is between the hips and shoulders.
A speed dribble requires more force than a static dribble, because of the fasterpace.
Passing the ball: - passes start with a stepright before or during the pass, pointingtowards the target.
4 different types of passes: - chest pass
bounce pass
push pass
overhead pass
Movement Ques in BasketBall; Athletic Stance:
Feet: Shoulder width apart
Knees: Bent
Chest: forward, hips back, back straight
Hands: up, palms outwards
Movement Ques in BasketBall; BEEF:
B- Balance: Feet shoulder width apart
E- eyes: looking at target
E- elbows: 90degree angle underneath ball
F- Follow through: push with legs, armstraightens and wrist points downwards