Rivers and Streams

Cards (28)

  • Rivers and Streams
    Why do we care?
    -Major agent of weathering and erosion
    -Major source of water
    -Can be damaging when they flood
  • drainage basin
    entire area around a river where the water flows into that area
    -the area from which a single stream or river and its tributaries drains all of the water
  • Channels
    area where the water is actively flowing in a river
    -V-shaped valley (relatively straight sides)
  • Tributaries
    small rivers and streams that feed water into the bigger one
  • #1 Branching/dendritic
    most common
  • #2 Radial
    -Area in the center has the highest elevation
    -Helps spot highest point
  • #3 Rectangular
    Indicates you have a lot of faults or joints in the area (cracks)
  • Levee: low ridge up against the river

    Floodplain: area that is going to flood if the water comes over the levee
  • Channels
    Braided Streams

    multiple chanells about the same size twisted together
    -variable water
    -Large sediment supply
    -easily erodable banks
  • Steep elevation gradients

    Causes water to flow fast and straight if the elevation is steep
  • In areas of lower gradient, channels start meandering
    meandering: big loops from side to side
  • Cut Bank: outer part of the bank, allows the water to flow fast, erodes the side

    Point Bar: inside of the pant, allows the water to slow fast and sediment is deposited and can form sand bars
  • Meanders migrate over time

    Erodes the cut back side of the channel causing it to migrate
  • Oxbow lakes (aka oxbows)

    land is eroded away causing the lake to form into a horseshoe shape standing on their own
  • Meander vs Man
    - meandering causes problems for people
    - can artificially straighten but also causes problems (tend to flood more easily and frequently)
    ex: MI river in New Orleans has been artificially kept in place
  • How much water moves past a point in a given amount of time?
    Discharge = velocity x area
    -If Discharge increases until channel cannot contain all the water, flooding occurs
  • Recurrence interval
    what is the probability occurrence a river will flood
    -Probability in a given year = 1 / interval
  • Caveats
    •Probability, not guarantee
    •Varies from river to river
  • The End of the River
    -Mouth- where the river empties out into a ocean, sea, etc.
    -Erosion ends, deposition commences
    -Distributaries- where the main channel breaks into branches that distributes the water over a wider area
    -Deltas- area around the mouth and distributaries that create a triangle; swampy and marshy
  • Delta Processes:
    sinking or lowering of ground level
    -Because of the depositing of so much sediments by rivers
    --EX: Venice Italy, can ride boats through cities but now areas are being flooded due to subsidence
  • Water Quality- Clean-Up
    Clean-up possible but difficult
    -takes time & money

    Faster recharge = easier to clean once contaminant source is isolated
    -'Fast' recovery = matter of years
  • Water Availability
    -Legal fights among states over who gets how much water from a reservoir
    -'Downriver' states suing 'upriver' states for taking too much
    -Upriver states say old water use agreements are outdated
  • Case Study- SC vs NC
    -10 million gallons from the Catawba River annually
    -Catawaba R accounts for about half the water supply to the SC low country
    =Taken before US Supreme Court
  • Case Study- Savannah River
    -SC & GA are in contention over the Savannah River
  • Case Study- GA vs TN
    -GA state legislature has proposed legislation to move the state border about 1mile north
    -Claim is based on an 1818 surveying error placing the border at the wrong location
  • Case Study- Everyone in the SW US vs Everyone Else in the SW
    Colorado River lawsuits date back to 1931
    -CA, AZ, NV, NM, UT, & Native American groups
  • Colorado River Overuse
    -Providing water to 30 million people
    -70% of its water diverted to irrigate 3.5 million acres
    -10 years of drought
    -Water level down 130 ft since 2000 in some areas
    -Flow est. to drop 5-20% in next 40 yrs due to climate change
    -Ends 50 miles before even reaching the Pacific Ocean
    -Delta reduced from 3,000 acres to 250 acres in < 100 years
  • Future Case- Water Wars?

    What happens in areas where courts aren't available to settle disputes?
    -2010: 1 billion people in water stressed regions (16% of pop-)
    -2050: Est to be 2 billion (22% of pop-)