Cards (7)

  • Biochemistry
    The study of life processes and the remarkable properties of how living organisms arise from different biomolecules. It involves unraveling complex intracellular processes that allow life.
  • Medicine
    Any intellectual investigation on health and disease that can only be found upon biochemistry
  • Domains of life
    • Bacteria
    • Archea
    • Eukarya
  • Eukaryotes
    Comes from the greek words eu that means true and karyon which means nucleus; membranous organelles with high degree of compartmentalization and usually multicellular
  • Prokaryotes
    Coined from the words Pro meaning before and karyon meaning nucleus; It no nucleus nor membranous organelles and usually with a cell wall or capsule
  • Semi-Permeable
    The characteristic of the cell membrane that allows the entry of some substances and some not
  • Fluid Mosaic Model
    An impeccable model of the plasma membrane emphasizing its fluid characteristic