Cards (11)

  • Focus group
    • moderator-led discussion
    • Share a need, attitude, habit, or life circumstances
    • one to two group discussions often include two to ten respondents.
  • In-depth Interview
    • This is an interview with a single individual. Typically, lasting from 30 to 90 minutes
    • depending on the subject matter and context
  • Paired interviews

    • This is an interview with a single individual. Typically, lasting from 30 to 90 minutes
    • depending on the subject matter and context
  • Observations
    A group or single participants are manipulated by the researcher, to perform a specific task or action.
  • Research Design
    • Refers to a scheme or plan for meeting the objectives.
    • Blueprint for conducting a study that maximizes control over factors that could interfere with the validity of the findings.
    • To interpret events in the light of the present situation. 
    • Biographies, autobiography reading, documentary analysis, and chronicling reading. 
    1. Ethnography:
    • Defies the environment or setting where the behavior occurs. 
    • Involves a certain cultural group or organization.
    1. Phenomenology
    • A phenomenon you experience on earth as a person. 
    • Understanding of an individual's life experience for this same person's realistic dealings with hard facts of life.
    1. Case study: 
    • Aims to determine why such person, organization, thing, or event.) acts, behavior, occurs, or exists in a particular manner. 
    • Interview, observation, and questionnaires.
    1. Grounded theory: 
    • The main idea in this design is to conceptualize and create a theory grounded or based on the data gathered in the field. 
    • through various data collection forms such as surveys, case studies, interviews, life history, secondary data, quantitative data, videos, and audio. 
    1. Locale of the study:
    Setting of the study.