Social Learning Theory

Cards (6)

  • Social learning theory: Theory that behaviour is learnt through observing models and the reinforcement the model receives for their behaviour.
  • Social learning theory - 4 Steps:
    • Attention: Stimuli, focus
    • Retention: Rehearse, encode
    • Motor reproduction: Practice, feedback
    • Motivation: Reward, reinforce
  • Attention: Exposed to or notice behaviour to be able to be imitated.
    • Behaviour must grab attention before it is imitated
    • Many daily behaviours are observed but not paid attention to
  • Retention: How well a behaviour is remembered (by the observer).
    • Behaviour may be noticed, but not always remembered
    • When behaviour is not remembered it cannot be imitated
  • Motor reproduction: The ability to perform the behaviour that the model has demonstrated.
    • Some people physically cannot imitate another behaviour, influencing their decisions
    • They may appreciate the skill but not attempt to imitate it
  • Motivation: People's will to perform the behaviour.
    • Rewards and punishments that follow a behaviour significantly impact peoples motivation to replicate the behaviour
    • If the perceived rewards outweigh the perceived costs the behaviour will be more likely to be imitated by the observer