Key Terms
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Alana L
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Cold War
Tense standoff between the US and the USSR between 1945 and 1990
Idea that communism had to be stopped from spreading through both military and political pressure
Marshall Plan
American sponsored effort that provided economic aid to rebuild Western Europe
Anti-Soviet organization of Western nations who pledged mutual defense against communist aggresors
Term for making ruthless and unfair charges of communism and treason without evidence
Korean War
First "hot" war of the Cold War, ending in a stalemate in 1953
Executive Order 9981
Desegregated the armed forces
Massive Retaliation
Eisenhower's policy of threatening to use nuclear weapons to any act of Soviet aggression
Shah Reza Pahlavi
Came to power in Iran by US backed coup and became one of America's most trusted Cold War allies
Created in response to Sputnik, this agency is responsible for science and technology related to air and space
Baby Boom
Term for the dramatic rise in US birthrates that began immediately after World War II
GI Bill
Helped returning soldiers reintegrate into civilian life by offering home and business loans, tuition assistance, and job training programs
Nation's leading leisure activity, it projected a bland, conformist image of middle-class life
Suburban communities with mass-produced tract houses, typically inhabited by the white-middle class
Discriminatory practice of denying mortgages to residents of certain areas based on their race of ethnicity
Interstate Highway Act
Largest public works project that developed an efficient transportation system throughout the country
The South and Southwestern portion of the US that experienced population and productivity expansion following the US
Brown v Board of Education
Supreme Court decision that abolished racial segregation in public schools
Little Rock Nine
African American students who challenged racial segregation in the public schools in Arkansas
Montgomery Bus Boycott
Organized by MLK and Rosa Parks to protest segregation in public transportation
Southern Christian Leadership Conference
Organization formed to mobilize black churches in nonviolent resistance for black rights
Beat Generation
Artists and writers who criticized the conformity of the 1950s
Rock and Roll
Popular with teenagers, this fused black rhythm and blues with white bluegrass and country style
Domino Theory
Idea that a communist takeover in one country would lead to communist takeovers in neighboring countries, especially in Southeast Asia
Military Industrial Complex
Term Eisenhower used in speech to describe relationship between government and defense contractors
Cuban Missile Crisis
Tense confrontation between JFK and Khrushchev that nearly led to nuclear war in October 1962
Student Nonviolent Coordinating Committee
Student based civil rights organization using nonviolent means, such as sit-ins, to achieve civil rights
March of Washington
Civil Rights rally for "jobs and freedom" in 1963 where Martin Luther King Jr. gave his "I Have a Dream" speech
Great Society
LBJ's broad program of welfare legislation and social reform that swept through Congress in 1965
Voting Rights
1965 legislation outlawing discriminatory voting practices - such as the literacy test
Immigration and Nationality
Abolished the quota system opening the doors to those "who can contribute most to this country"
Gulf of Tonkin Resolution
The 1964 congressional action that became a "blank check" for the Vietnam War
Feminine Mystique
Challenged social expectations for women and helped launch second wave feminism of the 1960s and 1970s
Cesar Chavez
Leader of the UFW, helped inspire the Chicano movement as he advocated for better rights for Mexican Americans
American Indian Movement
Founded in 1968 to protest government polices and injustices suffered by Native Americans
Stonewall Uprising
Led to a rise in activism for equal rights in the LGBT movement
Earl Warren
Under him, the Supreme Court became vehicle for social change and individual rights
Nixon's plan to reduce American troops in Vietnam, leaving the fighting to the South Vietnamese supplied with American tanks, armor, and weaponry
Period of Cold War thawing characterized by the SALT I and II treaties
The Pentagon Papers and this revealed instance of government secrecy, lies, and incompetence, causing Americans to mistrust their government
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