If closer to the site, the vein may collapse as blood is above the intended venipuncture site. withdrawn. If too far above the site, it may be ineffective.
Grasp one side of the tourniquet in each hand a Allows sufficient length for fastening the tourniquet few inches from the end.
Allows sufficient length for fastening the tourniquet and creating the loop in step 7.
Apply a small amount of tension and maintain it throughout the process.
Tension is needed so the tourniquet will be snug when tied. If too much tension is applied, it will be too
tight and will roll up on itself or twist and cause discomfort.
Bring the two sides together and grasp them both between the thumb and forefinger of the right hand.
This is preparation for crossing the sides over each other.
Reach over the right hand and grasp the right side of the tourniquet between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand and release it from the grip of the
right hand.
The tourniquet ends will now be held in opposite hands, with the sides crossed over each other.
Cross the left end over the right end near the left index finger, grasping both sides together between the thumb and forefinger of the left hand, close to the patient’s arm.
If there is too much space between the left index finger and the patient’s arm, the tourniquet will be too loose.
While securely grasping both sides, use either the left middle finger or the right index finger to tuck a portion of the left side under the right side and
pull it into a loop.
The loop allows the tourniquet to be released quickly by a slight tug on the end that forms it.
A properly tied tourniquet with the ends pointing toward the shoulder.
The tourniquet ends should point toward the shoulder to prevent them from contaminating the blood collection site.