Nuclear Energy

Cards (26)

  • nuclear power generation
    a nonrenewable energy source
  • Fission
    process of splitting an atom apart
    -Releases a lot of energy (radiation)
    -Have to harness the energy safely
  • Nuclear Fuel
    -Uranium ore: deposit with a high concentration of uranium
    -Yellowcake: processed uranium ore
    -U isotopes (235U vs 238U) separated
    -separated to keep uranium 235
  • Want the fuel enriched in 235U rel to 238U
    • Power plants 3-5% enrichment
    • Weapons- 90% enrichment
  • Why is 235U needed?
    -Firing neutrons takes time and energy
    -Splitting 235U atoms starts a chain reaction
    --Chain reaction is controlled by control rods
    --Cooling system removes the heat energy by pumping water through the plant to create steam which is used for electricity
  • Requires lots of water
    -4 million gal/yr in some plants
    -Water can be recycled once it is cooled by a cooling tower
  • Nuclear Advantages
    1- Large US Reserve
    -Est 130+ yr supply assuming current production rate
    2- Reduce C emissions
    3- Decrease fossil fuel dependence
    4- Produces tremendous amounts of energy
    -1 kg of U produces 3 million times more energy than 1 kg of coal
    5- Good safety record***
  • Current US Use
    - ~100 plants, ~20% of US electricity
    Use declining since 1996
    -Half the active plants will close by 2020
    -No new reactors ordered btwn 1978- ~2010
    --48% of the ones ordered before 1978 were never built
  • Nuclear Disadvantages
    1- Nuclear electric price tripled between 1970-1990
    2- reactor safety
    3- Nuclear proliferation Iran: making electricity or making weapons?
    4- Nuclear waste disposal
  • Radioactive Waste
    -Avg power plant creates 25-30 tons of waste per yr
    -2017: US has 71,000 tons of stored radioactive waste
    -Radiation levels vary, so safety protocols also vary
  • Types of Nuclear Waste
    Low Level (LL) Waste

    low levels of radiation; usually have been exposed to radiation
    -Ex: tools that have been exposed to radiation
    -4 classes
    --Class A, B, C, and GTCC
    (A is the lowest levels of radiation and goes up from there)
    -GTCC = Intermediate Level Waste in Europe
  • High Level (HL) Waste: high levels of radiation; natural radioactive
    -Main type from power plants/weapons research
    -Heavy shielding & deep burial
    -Globally we generate ~ 12,000 tons/yr

    1- Spent Nuclear Fuel: used up fuel cells from the power plant
    -Has to be changed out 3-4 times a year
    - ~20 tons/yr/plant
    2- Trans-uranic waste: highly dangerous from high levels of radiation and things in this category have a long half life of minimum 20 years
    -generated primarily during weapons research
    -Military use
  • Q: What Do We Do with Radioactive Waste?
    Option 1- Store It
    -Want to ensure stability and safety
  • LL Waste Sites
    Only 3 Low-Level nuclear waste sites in the US:
    1- Clive, Utah
    -Only accepts Class A
    2- Richland, Washington
    -Accepts Class A-C from 11 NW states
    3- Barnwell, South Carolina
    -Class A-C waste from the other 39 states
    -2008: closed it gates to all but 3 states
  • HL Waste Sites
    Spent Nuclear Fuel
    -Yucca Mountain: US's 1st site for spent nuclear fuel
    -Supposed to open in 1985, still not started
    --Geologic concerns (faults, seismic activity)
    --Legal challenges: "not in my backyard effect"

    Trans-uranic Waste Fuel
    -Waste Isolation Pilot Plant (WIPP)
    --Carlsbad, NM
    -Only US site for trans-uranic waste disposal
    -20 yrs planning
    -1999-2006: over 5,000 shipments deposited
  • Inside WIPP
    - ~ ½ mi underground, carved into 3,000 ft thick salt deposit
    -Containers cannot be high-temperature, cannot contain fluids, and must be ventilated to prevent explosion
  • Long-Term Plans at WIPP
    -Site expected to be full by 2070
    -Monitored for safety until 2170
    -Marked as off-limits for drilling, excavation, & development until 12,170 (!)
  • Other Storage Ideas
    1- Dump in the ocean
    2- Put in subduction zones
    3- Launch into space
  • Option 2- Use It
    Transmutation: take something worthless and turn it into something useful
    -Big in 1970s until banned in the US
    -Currently being re-visited, esp in Europe
  • Transmutation
    -Some new reactors capable of using nuclear waste as fuel
    -Hard since they have to function with little U-235
    -241Am used for smoke detectors
    -137Cs used for food irradiation
  • Radiation Levels & Safety
    Lots of units, easy to get confused: Curies, Becquerels, Grays, Rads, Sieverts, etc

    -Rem: how likely it will cause biological problems
  • Background Levels
    Annual exposure from natural sources in millirems (mrem):
    -Cosmic rays- 30
    -Radon- 95
    -Medical- 100
    -Fallout- 4
    -Terrestrial- 55
    Total ~ 300 mrem
    (= 0.3 rem)
  • How Much is Safe/Unsafe?
    (per episode of exposure)
    -< 5 rem/yr: no problems
    -5-20 rem: possible long-term problems
    -20-100 rem: mild radiation sickness
    -200+ rem: hair loss, 1/3 chance of death
    -600+ rem: 100% fatality rate w/in 14 days
  • Contamination
    -108+ sites in the US are considered unsafe due to radioactive contaminants
    -Accidents, mismanagement, unsecure storage
  • Case Study
    -Three Mile island
    -PA 1979- partial core meltdown
    -No serious radiation release reported (still debated)
  • Case Study
    -Chernobyl 1986
    -Fallout 30x > than the bombs dropped on Japan
    -336,000 people permanently evacuated
    -19 mile exclusion zone still exists