Cards (5)

  • Medical emergency
    Can rapidly progress to circulatory failure
  • Thyrotoxicosis with end-organ damage
    • Fever
    • Neuropsychiatric features
  • Aggressive supportive treatment
    1. ICU admission
    2. NS/dextrose
    3. Antipyretics: acetaminophen (not aspirin/NSAIDs à will make it worse)
    4. Cooling and oxygen if needed
    5. Treat heart failure if present
  • Address thyroid hormone excess
    1. Prevent peripheral conversion of T4 to active T3: Beta blockers ex: propranolol (+ symptomatic relief)
    2. Block new hormone synthesis: PTU or methimazole and carbimazole (PTU also blocks conversion of T4 to T3)
    3. Block release of preformed hormone= inorganic iodine [SSKI, Lugol's]. Must block synthesis (PTU) before giving iodine (wait for 1 hr then give)
    4. Glucocorticoids
    5. Decrease enterohepatic recycling: cholestyramine
  • Look for precipitating illness and treat it