
Cards (134)

  • Nose (nostrils or nares)

    Filters smaller particles, warms, and humidifies incoming air, and receives odors
  • Pharynx
    Common passage of both food and air. To prevent food from entering the tract, a small flap, called epiglottis, covers the opening of the larynx during the act of swallowing
  • Larynx (voicebox)
    Contains the vocal cords and supporting tissue which makes sound possible
  • Trachea (windpipe)

    Serves as passageway for air to the bronchi
  • Bronchi
    • Foreign objects falling into the trachea are more likely to lodge in the right bronchus
    • Each bronchus subdivides into smaller branches called bronchioles which terminates into the alveoli (air sacs)
  • Lungs
    Pyramid-shaped, spongy air-filled organs which are molded into the thoracic cavity that contains them
  • Pleura
    • Serous membrane coverings that enclose each lung
    • Parietal pleura: lines the thoracic (chest) cavity
    • Visceral pleura: cover the lung and is continuous at the root of the lung where it joins with the parietal pleura
  • Aerosol
    A medication that can be sprayed from a container to relieve bronchial distress, especially asthma
  • Anoxia
    Without oxygen
  • Apnea
    Temporary cessation of breathing; asphyxia
  • Bifurcation
    A division of two branches
  • Bronchodilator
    An agent capable of dilating the bronchi
  • Bronchospasm
    Spasmodic contraction of bronchi muscles, as in asthma
  • Cheyne-Stokes
    Breathing characterized by waxing and waning of the depth of respiration: the patient breathes deeply then slightly or stops altogether
  • Consolidation
    Solidification of lung tissue, as in pneumonia
  • Cyanosis
    A bluish discoloration of skin and mucous membranes caused by insufficient oxygen in the blood
  • Dysphonia
    Voice impairment; difficulty in speaking
  • Dyspnea
    Labored or difficult breathing
  • Endotracheal Tube (ET)
    Airway catheter inserted in the trachea during surgery and for temporary airway in emergency situations
  • Expectorants
    An agent that promotes expectoration (to loosen secretions)
  • Hemoptysis
    Spitting of blood- or blood-stained sputum (from lungs)
  • Hiatus
    A gap (opening), especially in the diaphragm
  • Hilus
    Part of lung where vessels, nerves, and bronchi enter
  • Hypercapnia
    Excess of carbon dioxide in the blood
  • Hyperventilation
    Increased rate and/or depth of respiration
  • Hypoxia
    Insufficient oxygen
  • Kussmaul Breathing
    Gasping, labored breathing; also called air hunger
  • Laryngectomy
    Excision of the larynx
  • Lobectomy
    Excision of a lobe in the lung
  • Mantoux (test)
    TB skin test
  • Orthopnea
    Difficulty of breathing except in the upright position
  • Parenchyma
    The essential elements of a "working parts" of an organ
  • Percussion
    Striking the body (chest) with short sharp blows of fingers
  • Auscultation
    Listening for sounds produced through stethoscope
  • Perfusion
    The passage of fluid through the vessels of a specific organ to supply oxygen and nutrients
  • Pneumothorax
    Air or gas in the pleural space; from trauma or deliberate introduction
  • Productive cough
    Cough with spitting of material from the bronchi
  • Rales or Ronchi
    An abnormal respiratory sound heard on auscultation, indicating pathologic condition
  • Respirator/Ventilator
    A device used in giving artificial respiration
  • Rhinoplasty
    Surgery of the nose