Logic and Reasoning

Cards (22)

  • Fallacies are errors or flaws in reasoning.
  • attacks a person's character rather than his or her opinions or arguments
    Ad Hominem
  • argument that goes in circles
    Circular Argument
  • a conclusion not supported by the premises or fails to include assumptions that establish connections between ideas
    Non Sequitur
  • argument that uses flattery/praise
    Appeal to Flattery
  • uses force/threats instead of reasons
    Ad Baculum
  • From one sample, the arguer makes a claim about the whole population.
    Hasty Generalization
  • This is when arguer cannot prove the argument to be false, therefore, it is true.
    Appeal to Ignorance
  • arguments urging you to follow the same path that everyone else is taking
    Bandwagon Fallacy
  • Instead of presenting relevant claims, the arguer resorts to evoking pity or sympathy by pointing or referring to an unfortunate circumstance.
    Ad Misericordiam
  • it is committed by citing an opinion or judgment of someone who commands respect but is not a recognized authority on the subject.
    Ad Verecundiam
  • arguing under the premise that what is true of a whole or class is true to every member.
    Fallacy of Division
  • a diversionary tactic that avoids the key issues, often by avoiding opposing arguments rather than addressing them.
    Red Herring
  • occurs when something is assumed to be either good or better than something else, simply because it's perceived as being newer.
    Ad Novitatem
  • My Honda broke down, so all Hondas must be poorly made.
    Hasty Generalization
  • All the girls in schools likes SpongeBob so Audrey, my niece, perhaps likes it too.
    Fallacy of Division
  • Ari bakes the best cupcakes in town. She should run for president.
    Non Sequitur
  • You should take those vitamins because Captain America said they are the best.
    Ad Verecundiam
  • We can't raise salaries, but we still provide great benefits for our employees
    Red Herring
  • what would you know about labor laws? you don't even have a job.
    Ad Hominem
  • could you please change my grade? I worked hard and pulled an all-nighter to finish on time.
    Ad Misericordiam
  • You are the sweetest person ever! It would really make my day if you send me pizza right now.
    Appeal to Flattery