Cards (16)

  • Instrumental Music
    Music of the Lowlands of Luzon
  • Instrumental Music may not have words, but it does not necessarily mean that it cannot convey a particular message or evoke a certain emotion
  • Music has the power to communicate, with or without language
  • Classifications of Musical Instruments
    • Membranophone
    • Idiophone
    • Aerophone
    • Chordophone
    • Electrophone
  • Membranophone
    Produces sound when a stretched skin (animal membrane) vibrates
  • Membranophones
    • Instruments that produce sound primarily by way of a vibrating stretched membrane
    • This category includes most drums
  • Idiophone
    Produces sound by the vibration of the instrument material itself through striking, hitting, scraping, rubbing, or shaking
  • Idiophones
    • Produce sound from the substance of the instrument itself, without the need for strings, membranes, or columns of air
    • The vibration of the instrument as a whole, rather than a stretched skin or air column, is what generates the sound
  • Aerophone
    Produces sound by means of air (winds)
  • Aerophones
    • Produce sound primarily by causing a body of air to vibrate, typically within a pipe or other chamber, without the use of strings or membranes
  • Chordophone
    Produces sound through vibrations of strings
  • Electrophone
    Generates sound electronically
  • An electrophone is a musical instrument in which sound is primarily produced by electrical means
  • Chordē
  • Phone

    Voice or sound
  • The term "chordophone" is derived from the Greek words "chordē" meaning string and "phone" meaning voice or sound