Cards (11)

  • two - tailed test

    type of test used when the study has a non directional hypothesis
  • one - tailed test

    type of test used when study has a directional hypothesis
  • significance level
    usually set at 0.5%, meaning there is a 5% possibility the results did occur by chance
  • why is statistical testing used in psychological research
    to determine the likelihood that the difference they found occured by chance
  • Significant
    term for data that could not have arisen by chance, or is extremely unlikely to have arisen by chance
  • critical value

    value a test statistic must reach in order for null hypothesis to be rejected
  • interval level
    data that is measured using equal intervals eg. number of correct answers on an IQ test
  • non - parametric tests

    used to analyse data that is nominal or ordinal
  • parametric tests

    used to make conclusions using mean and standard deviation, makes them a more powerful test
  • nominal data

    data grouped into separate categories eg. smoker, non-smoker
  • ordinal data
    data ordered in some way where difference between participants isn't the same eg. height of participants