From restoration to revolution 1660-88 (dark blue booklet)

Cards (49)

  • What did the convention parliament of 1660 want?

  • What was restored?

    church of england
    book of common prayer
    royal and church lands sold by parliament restored without compensation
  • What was settled 1660?

    Financial settlement 1660 in return for tax revenue (king let go of feudal and prerogative taxing)
    Gentry free from feudal obligation
  • What was settled?

    1660 settlement included
    financial settlement in return for tax revenue (king let go of fundal and prerogative taxing)
    gentry free from feudal obligations
    act of indemnity and oblivion (pardon all but regicides
  • What tensions remained on going?
    Restoration of laudian structure on the church of cavalier parliament introduced preservation laws know as the Clarendon code
    king attempted religious toleration (declaration of indulgence 1662) failed
    regicides excluded from the amnesty
    triennial act of 1641 was replaced in 1665 with a weaker version
  • What did general monck do?

    Marched his army to London
    Lamberts army had deserted
    he called for the reinstatement of the mps removed in prides purge
    long parliament reinstated.
  • What happend after Monck reinstated the long parliament?

    Monck was in contact with c2 who was in excise in netherlands
    over monarchy had to be restored
    long parliament held new elections dissolved itself and was replaced by the convention
    invited c2 back
  • When was the new model army disbanded?

  • What parliament came after the convention?

  • What acts did the cavalier parliament pass?

    Militia act 1661
    Corporation act 1661
  • Order of the parliaments under Charles 1st?
    First parl
    second parl
    third parl
    personal rule
    short parl
    long parl
  • order of parliaments under republic?
    Nominated assembly
    first protectorate
    second protectorate
    third protectorate
  • Order of parliaments under charles 2nd?
    Long parl 1660
    convention 1660
    cavalier. 1661-79 (interruption of personal rule) Personal rule 1681-85
  • Parliaments under James 2nd?

  • Parliaments under William and Mary?
  • When Charles was restored what did he claim?
    To be in 12th year of his reign
  • Weaknesses within the restoration?
    Parl open to royal manipulation
    cavalier parl wanted revenge and to undermine convention parl
  • What acts are in the Clarendon code?

    Corporation 1661
    act of uniformity 1662
    conventicle act 1664
    five mile act 1665
  • What did the corporation act in 1661 require?

    All office holders to take oath of allegiance to crown and Anglican Church
  • What did the act of uniformity 1662 require? 

    All member of clergy to to accept the Anglican Church
  • What did the conventicle act 1662 do?

    Impose fines and imprisonment on religious dissenter
  • What did the five mile act 1665 do?

    Prevent dissenters from teaching and attempted to remove them from places they have lived when they had preached or taught. Can’t go within 5 miles
  • What was the cabal?
    A group of 5 ministers who rose to power as Charles 2nds closest advisors
    some were catholics and catholic sympathisers
  • What did the exclusion bill want?

    Remove James 2nd as heir (cause he was catholic)
  • When was the exclusion bill?

  • When was Charles 2nds personal rule?

  • How could Charles 2nd rule without cavalier parliament?

    Revenue based on custom duties.
    secret pact with Louis XIV of France to not recall parliament in return for a grant
    Rye house plot reduced political debate outside parliament
  • When was the rye house plot?

  • What was the rye house plot?
    Protestants plotted to kill king and james
    and install Charles illegitimate son
    failed plotters arrested
  • name sod men in the cabal?
    Clifford catholic sympathiser
    B Buckingham (son of Buckingham)
    Arlington catholic
  • when was the secrete treaty of Dover ?

  • What did the secret treaty of Dover say?

    England and France attack Dutch
    both receive some land rest goes to William of orange
    this treaty became public in 1672
    but what wasn’t know was charles 2nd promised to declare a catholic when possible in return for Louis to pay £225,000 a year
  • How much did Louis XIV Pay Charles a year to promise to declare a catholic?

  • When was the popish plot?

  • What was the popish plot?
    Oates acuses 5 catholic lords C2 dissagrees
    shaftesburry believes send lords to tower
    2nd test act ban catholic mps
    5 peers charged
    stafford condemed to death 1680 trial stops due to Oates lack of evidence
    oates claimed Queen poison king
    king ordered Oates arrest
  • Consequences of popish plot?
    Catholic women married proterstants
    35 people killed
    suspected of being catholic can’t go within 16km of London
  • James 2nd work to establishing catholic superiority?

    1685 issued personal dispensation (C can now be army officers)
    1687 new declaration of indulgence
    1688 renewed declaration of indulgence (must be read in every parish)
    son born established catholic succession
  • When was James 2nd personal rule?

  • why was a letter sent to william about england?

    Inviting him to come and take the throne as they would support him written by a group of leading politicians and bishops
  • When was the letter sent to William of orange regarding taking England?
