Evidential problem of evil

Cards (7)

  • What is the evidential problem of evil?
    We see people do suffer, and would assume the God of classical theism would want to stop this
  • What does John Stuart Mill say about the evidential problem of evil?
    Evidence points towards a sadistic creator who behaves in ways we would usually condemn
  • What does Stephen Fry say about the evidential problem of evil?
    “Why should I respect a capricious, mean-minded, stupid God who creates a world which is so full of injustice and pain?“
  • Who developed Mill’s argument for the evidential problem of evil?
    William Rowe
  • What was Rowe’s argument p?
    Intense suffering is evidence that God doesn’t exist - eg a fawn in a forest fire:
    • This animal would suffer unnecessarily, not for any greater good
    • An omniscient and omnibenevolent God would see the suffering and want to stop it, but such suffering does happen, so God probably doesn’t exist
  • Who could dispute Rowe’s argument?
  • How does Descartes dispute Rowe’s argument?
    Animals don’t have souls so don’t feel pain, so suffering for animals may be insignificant