Module 5

Cards (9)

  • Seeding and Planting equipment
    Used to place the seeds or plant parts into the soil and keep it from weeds and insect pest and diseases until it is fully grown and ready for harvesting
  • Seeders
    Machines used to place seeds such as corn, rice, etc in the soil
  • Planters
    Machines used to place plant parts such as sugar cane cuttings, rice seedlings, etc. in a prepared soil
  • Related Terms
    • Broadcasting - randomly scattering of seeds on the surface of the field
    • Drill Seeding - randomly dropping and covering of seeds in furrow
    • Precision Planting - accurate placing of single seeds/plant at about equal interval in rows
    • Hill Dropping - placing of group of seeds at about equal interval in rows
    • No-Till Planting - planting made directly into an unprepared seedbed or untilled soil
    • No-Till Planters - machines that directly place the seeds into undisturbed soil
    • Rice Transplanters - machines that place rice seedling at a proper spacing in a well prepared paddy soil
    • Rice Drum Seeders - machines designed for planting pre-germinated rice seed in rows
    • Air Seeders - machines which pneumatically place the seeds into the soil by means of a deep tillage tool
    • Minimum Tillage - minimum soil manipulation necessary for crop production or for meeting tillage requirement under existing soil condition
    • Seed Tape Planting - planting system wherein the seeds are deposited either singly or in group on a water soluble tape (polyethylene oxide) under controlled condition
  • Functions of Seeder/Planter
    • To meter seeds/plant parts of different sizes and shapes
    • To place the seeds/pant parts in the acceptable pattern or distribution in the field
    • To place seeds/plant parts accurately and uniformly at the desired depth and in the soil
    • To cover the seeds/plant parts optionally and to compact the soil around it to enhance germination and emergence
  • Classifications of Seeder According to Methods of Seeding
    • Drills - machines that prepare the soil, meter the seed, and position the seed in one preparation
    • Field Distributors - machines that consists of a seed box with metering device in the bottom of the hopper, and in no way to prepare the soil for the seed and used as fertilizer as well as for the seeds
    • Broadcaster - machine that meter the materials onto revolving flange wheel, less expensive to purchase, and has the highest work capacity but is hardest to calibrate because of uneven distribution from the flange wheel, unequal seed weight, and ahape difficulties in with wind and uneven soil surface
  • Classifications of Seeder According to Source of Power
    • Manually Operated - Machine that is pushed or pulled by human
    • Animal Drawn - Power source is by the use of draft animal harnessed either singly or multiple animals
    • Power Tiller Operated - Seeding or planting machine that is drawn by a small walking type tractor powered by a separate engine
    • Tractor Type - Seeding or planting machine that is either mounted or pull type units, power source transmitted through the power take-off drive of the tractor
  • Basic Components of a Seeder
    • Seed Box - used to hold and contain the seeds in the seeder
    • Metering Device - used to meter the seeds or control the rate of delivery either in bulk or as single seed into the seed tube
    • Seed tube - used to convey the seeds from the metering device to the rear of a furrow openers and drop them into the soil
    • Furrow Opener - soil engaging device used to open a furrow at a desired depth for placement of the seeds and partially cover them with soil
    • Covering device - used to move the nearby surface soil into the furrow and then cover the seeds
    • Press Wheel - used to compress the soil around the seed in order to create good contact between the seeds and the soil aggregates for improve germination
    • Ground Wheel - used to drive the metering device at a proper rotational speed in order to attain the required plant spacing
    • Main Frame - used to hold and support the various components of the seeder and to provide the hitch attachment to the tractor or power tiller
  • Factors Affecting the Performance of Seeder/Planter
    • Seed Related Factors - Quality of seed, Method of seed treatment
    • Soil Related Factors - Soil bulk density, Soil porosity, Soil water, Soil temperature, Specific volume, Soil cohesion, Soil air, Soil strength
    • Mechanical Factors - Seed damage during metering, Uniformity of depth of placement of seed, Uniformity of distribution of seed along rows, Transverse displacement of seed from the row, Prevention of loose soil getting under the seeds, Degree of soil compaction level above the seeds, Uniformity of soil cover over the seeds, Changes of mixing fertilizer with seed during placement on the furrow