
Cards (14)

  • The conscious mind
    The part of the mind we are aware of
  • Pre-conscious mind
    The thoughts that occur just out of conscious awareness
  • Unconscious mind
    The part of the kind that we are unaware of but which continues to direct much of our behaviour
  • Id
    Entirely unconscious, the id is made up of selfish, aggressive instincts that demand immediate gratification
  • Ego
    The ‘reality check’ that balances the conflicting demands of the id and the superego
  • Super ego
    The moralistic part of our personality which represents the ideal self: how we ought to be
  • Defence mechanisma
    Unconscious strategies that the ego uses to manage the conflict between the id and the superego
  • Repression
    An Unpleasant memory is pushed into the unconscious mind so it is no longer accessible to the conscious mind and can no longer cause anxiety
  • Denial
    A refusal to accept the reality of an unpleasant situation. This reduces the anxiety that is caused by that situation
  • Displacement
    The focus of a strong emotion is expressed into a neutral person or object, which becomes the substitute target. This allows the person to express that emotion and reduce the anxiety
  • Effect of behaviour of repression
    No recall of the event or situation
  • Effect on behaviour of Denial
    The person believes that the situation is not negative and so doesn’t experience anxiety. They resist accepting reality
  • Effect on behaviour of displacement
    Exhibiting a very strong emotion towards an uninvolved person or object
  • Psychosexual stages 

    5 development stages that all children pass through. At most stages there is a specific conflict the outcome of which determines further development