Econ paper 2

Cards (14)

  • Why are positive externalities less consumed?
    People think more so about the personal gain rather than external.
  • What does fiscal policy control?
    Government expenditure and taxation.
  • Why does smoking have inelastic demand?
    It is habitually consumed- nicotine is addictive
  • How is market failure often corrected?
    Through the decreasing of negative externalities OR increasing of positive externalities.
  • Inflation
    Influences interest rate
  • Increased inflation
    May lead to an increase in the interest rate
  • Interest rate
    The reward for saving, and the cost of borrowing
  • Investing
    • Spending on capital goods/ factors of production
  • Spending
    • The simple purchase of goods and services
  • Benefits of increased spending on healthcare

    • Positive externalities of skill
    • Influences rise in AD
  • Costs of increased spending on healthcare

    • Time lag as it is a SS policy
    • Opportunity cost of money being spent elsewhere- eg. healthcare
  • Financial sector

    • Provides loans for investment
    • Firm may have retained profits
  • Retained profits
    Left over profits after all costs
  • Definitions
    • Disinflation- inflation occurring at a slower rate
    • Inflation- sustained rise in the average price level
    • Economic growth- a period of increased real GDP
    • Real income- income when adjusted for inflation
    • Nominal GDP- GDP unadjusted for inflation
    • Occupational immobility- barriers to FOP mobility (changing jobs)
    • Balance of payments- record of all financial transactions over a period of time between one country and the rest of the world