Cards (87)

  • Digestivesystem -It consist of number organs that breaks down food in order to absorb nutrienats needed by the body.
  • Alimentarycanal -It is a long, winding and continuous tube that extends from the mouth to the anus. These organs are mouth, pharynx, esophagus, Stomach, small intestine and large intestine
  • AccessoryOrgans - These are located within or outside the alimentary canal and communicate with it by way of ducts. They are teeth, tongue, Salivary glands, pancreas, liver, and gall blader.
  • Digestivesystem -is like a factory that package goods. It receives raw materials processes the materials into Unsable products to a distribution network called blood streams
  • Ingestion -It is the process, of bringing down the food in the digestive systems, where the Point of the entry is the mouth.
  • Propulsion -It is the movement of the food through alimentary canal. This involves swallowing and peristalsis
  • swallowing -it is a series of muscular event that push the food through mouth and down to the throat
  • Peristalsis - It is the movement of the food through the alimentary canal by the series of alternate waves of muscle contraction and relaxation.
  • Mechanicaldigestion - It is the breakdown of food particles. these include chewing or mastication mixing with use of thee tongue, churning and mixing in the stomach, and mixing in the small intestine.
  • chemicalIngestion - It happens when food is broken down into simpler molecules and absorbed by the body body It starts in the mouth, where food is chewed and mixed with secreted by the salivary gland.
  • Amylase -It is an enzyme that digest starch.
  • Epiglottis -small flap that closes off the... wind pipe or trachea, to prevent food from its entering the lungs.
  • Peristalsis -It is a wavelike contraction of the esophagus that pushes food down to the gh stomach.
  • Pepsin -Digestive enzyme that digest protein.
  • Emulsificationprocess - It is the process of breaking down fat into smaller globules.
  • Absortion -It is the transport of digested food materials from the cavity of alimentary canal to the blood. Performed in small intestines.
  • Defacation - It is the elimination of indigestible materials from the body into form of foors. Performed in large intestines.
  • Mouth -the first organ of the digestive system
  • Salivia - It moistened the food we eat.
  • Oralcavity - space between tongue qud palate within the mouth.
  • tongue -A muscular organ covered with taste buds.
  • Bolus -It is the shape of foods that our tongue manipulated.
  • Pharynx -It is a chamber located behind the oral cavity extending from internal hares to the larynx.
  • ChemicalDigestion - is provided by the gastric juices.
  • Pepsinogen -It is a Zymogenic cells in an inactive form.
  • Pepsin -Powerful protein spitting enzyme capable of breaking proteins.
  • Pancreas - Accessory organ of the digestive system, which closely associated with the small intestine and provides a variety of digestives enzyme.
  • PancreaticJuices -It is alkaline fluid that contains the enzymes capable of digesting carbohydrates, protein, fats and nucleic acids.
  • PancreaticAmylase - It is a pancreatic enzyme that. digest carbohydrates.
  • PancreaticLipase -It is an enzyme that aid in the digestion of fats.
  • liver -It is the largest visceral organ of the body
  • Lipoproteins - small proteins
  • Bile -It is a Fluid produced by liver cells that carry out two important functionin
    1. to aid in digestion. 2) to removed and eliminate toxit substances from the body.
  • Gallblader -It is a accessory organ located under the liver. It is used to store and concentrate bile secreted by the liver..
  • Sphincterofoddi - This muscle is normally in a contracted state causes the bile to collect in duct and gall bladder
  • SmallIntestine -It is the body most important digestive organ. It and completes the process of mechanical ical digestion... chemical
  • Duodenum - recieve chyme from the stomach through the pyloric valve
  • Jejunum - It is responsible for absorbing important amino acids nutrients such as sugar, fatty acids and amino acids
  • Ileum -It is the longest segment at about 3.6 m or 12 feet. It unites the large intestine at the ile o cecal valve which help regulate the Or flow of materials form ileum to the large intestine
  • largeintetines -It is the final segment of the I alimentary canal. absorb water and undigested food into form of feces.