Iliad Book 16

Cards (63)

  • Who wants to help the Greeks?
  • What does Achilles compare Patroclus to for crying?
    A little girl crying to be picked up by her busy mother until she gives in and carries her anyway
  • What does Patroclus say to Achilles?
    He criticises Achilles for being so cold + asks for permission to lead the Myrmidons to help the Greeks
  • What is the condition that Achilles introduces if Patroclus is to go and fight?
    That Patroclus has to wear Achilles' armour so he can get kleos instead of Patroclus
  • What happens between Ajax and Hector?
    Ajax loses his position + Hector fires Greek ships -> Hector cuts Ajax's spearhead off
  • Who does Patroclus order to yoke Achilles' horses?
  • What are Achilles' horses' names?
    Xanthus + Balius (immortal), Pedasus (mortal)
  • Who used to own Pedasus before Achilles?
  • What are the Myrmidons compared to?
    "Flesh-eating wolves"
  • Who are the 5 commanders for the ships?
    Menesthius, Eudorus, Peisander, Phoenix, Alcimedon
  • Who does Achilles pray to and why?
    Zeus -> for Patroclus to get glory and come home safely
  • What does Zeus grant Patroclus?
    Glory -> not a safe return, as he is fated to die
  • Who do the Trojans think Patroclus is and how do they react to seeing him?
    Achilles -> they're terrified
  • Who does Patroclus kill first?
  • What is the first thing Zeus does to help the Greeks?
    Makes it rain -> ships' fires extinguished
  • How does Acamas die?
    Meriones stabs him in shoulder + he falls from chariot
    'A mist descended on his eyes"
  • How does Erymas die?
    Idomeneus stabs him in mouth = teeth knocked out, eyes/mouth/nose fill with blood
    "Death's black cloud enveloped him"
  • What is the second thing Zeus does to help the Greeks?
    Gives storm clouds + rain = Trojans panic then flee
  • What happens to Hector while the Trojans flee?
    His horses take him away
  • What does Patroclus do when Hector is taken back?
    Runs after him + ignores Achilles' instructions to come back after saving the ships
  • Why does Zeus send down torrential rain/storms?
    He is 'angry' at unjust power imbalances + "men who deliver crooked rulings"
  • How many Trojans does Patroclus kill in total at the height of his performance? What is this height called?
    27 Trojans -> 'aristeia'
  • Who is angry at his Lycian men for falling so easily to Patroclus?
    Sarpedon -> demigod, son of Zeus
  • Why is Zeus conflicted over Sarpedon and Patroclus fighting?
    Zeus doesn't know whether to save Sarpedon because he's his son or to let him die because that's his fate
  • Who does Zeus consult about Sarpedon's fate? What do they decide?
    Hera -> they decide to let him die
  • What does Zeus do once he has decided to let Patroclus die?
    He weeps + sends down a shower of blood
  • Who does Sarpedon accidentally kill because he missed Patroclus?
  • Where does Patroclus strike Sarpedon? What simile is used to describe Sarpedon falling?
    In the lungs -> he is like an oak/poplar/pine tree + something will be made of use from his body like trees make wood
  • Who does Sarpedon call out to in his final moments?
  • What does Sarpedon ask of Glaucus?
    To rally everyone around his body so the Greeks can't take his armour
  • Who does Glaucus pray to and why?
    Apollo -> his arm is wounded + needs healing
  • Why do the Trojans grieve so much for Sarpedon's death?
    He was a foreigner but the best fighter among the Lycians
  • Who plans to take Sarpedon's armour?
    Patroclus + 2 Aeantes
  • What does Zeus do to make fighting over Sarpedon's body difficult?
    Zeus eclipses battlefield = zero visibility
  • Who does Hector kill and how does Patroclus retaliate?
    Hector kills Epeigeus -> Patroclus kills Sthenelaus
  • Who is taunting each other?
    Aeneas + Meriones
  • What does Patroclus do upon seeing Aeneas and Meriones taunting each other?
    He tells Meriones to stop giving speeches + fight
  • How are the men swarming around Sarpedon's body?
    "Like flies"
  • Why is Zeus conflicted over Patroclus?
    Zeus doesn't know whether to give him more glory + continue his aristeia or kill him now
  • What does Zeus decide to do with Patroclus?
    Zeus decides to continue Patroclus' aristeia + forces Hector to run away, making a coward out of him