Cards (76)

  • lithosphere- made up of uneven rocky crust and thin layer of nutrient-rich soil
  • earth- 365 days to revolve around the sun, third planet from the sun, blue planet, and contains sufficient water
  • hydrosphere - all bodies of water on earth including rivers, lakes, seas, and oceans
  • mars- fourth planet from the sun, smaller than earth and venus, made up of rocks, volcanoes, and mountains, red planets, and takes about 686 earth days to revolve
  • jupiter- largest planet in our solar system, gas giant, has no solid surface, and is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
  • saturn- second largest planet in our solar system, gas giant, has rings, and is composed mainly of hydrogen and helium.
  • uranus- seventh planet from the sun, ice giants, has no solid surface, and is composed mainly of hydrogen, helium, methane, ammonia, and water vapor.
  • venus- second planet from the sun, roughly the same size of the earth, hottest planet, morning star, and takes about 224 earth days to revolve
  • mercury- closest planet to the sun, smallest planet, rocky planet and grayish, has many large craters and scars, takes about 88 earth days to orbit
  • global warming- gradual increase in the average temperature of the earth's atmosphere
  • inner planets- inside the asteroid belt. mercury, venus, earth, and mars
  • galaxies- a vast collections of dust, gas, and billions of stars together
  • planets- objects in space that revolve around a star, mostly made up of rocks and gases
  • asteroids- large rock like objects, been left over from the formation of the solar system, made up of iron and nickel, present between mars and jupiter
  • stars- bright exploding balls of gas, made up of hydrogen and hellium, sun
  • comet- small ball of ice, dirt, and gas, orbits the sun, tail points away from the sun
  • availability of water- sufficient water in liquid form is only found on earth
  • atmosphere- thick blanket of air surrounding the earth
  • suitable temperature- mercury and venus experience extremely high temperatures
  • celestial bodies- natural objects, lies outside the earths atmosphere
  • breathable atmosphere- venus and mars have atmospheres that are very high in carbon dioxide
  • neptune- farthest planet from the sun, one of the windiest planet, hydrogen and helluim, 164 earth years to orbit the sun
  • overuse of natural resources- can result in various kinds pollutions and climatic changes
  • advancement in technology- increase in the use of air conditioners and aerosol sprays that have cholorfluorocarbons
  • disposal of waste in water bodies- disposal of industrial and domestic waste into lakes, ponds, rivers, and seas
  • lines of latitude- imaginary horizontal lines running east to west circling the earth
  • equator- the longest latitude at 0 degrees, divides the earth into 2 halves; northern hemisphere and the southern hemisphere
  • tropic of cancer- lies 23 1/2 degrees north of the equator
  • tropic of capricorn- lies 23 1/2 degrees south of the equator
  • antarctic circle- lies 66 1/2 degrees south of the equator
  • arctic circle- lies 66 1/2 degrees north of the equator
  • Northpole(90N) the northernmost latitude on earth
  • south pole(90S)- the southernmost latitude on earth
  • longtitude- imaginary vertical lines running from the north to the south pole
  • prime meridian- imaginary line that runs through Greenwich, england. Divides the world into the eastern hemisphere and the western hemisphere
  • international date line- imaginary line on earth that roughly follows the 180 line of longtitude
  • local time- when the time of a place is calculated by the noon time
  • green which time- the time at the prime meridian is used as a base to calculate the time for different countries
  • standard time- local time of the longtitude passing through the center of a country
  • rotation-the spinning of the earth on its axis