Physical – A type of paragraph that is divided by spacing and indention.
Restriction – In TRIAC, macro-discourse pattern narrows the scope of the paragraph.
Problem-Solution – A macro-discourse pattern is used in the paragraph of randomization
Secondary Sources - A type of source shows how your work relates to existing research.
RRL – Review Related Literature
APA - The citation format is recommended to be used in your research proposal.
Plagiarism – This is considered a crime for claiming the ideas of others as one’s own.
Ethnography – A type of qualitative research design wherein the researcher immerses himself in a culture that is unfamiliar to him.
Research instrument – Part of the research methodology where you discuss the tools used in collecting data.
Qualitative Research – A type of research design focuses on human behavior from the participant’s point of view which involves the collection of non-numerical data.
Snowball Sampling - non-probability sampling techniques that is commonly used in social sciences when investigating hard-to-get groups
Convenience Sampling - Non-probability sampling techniques that is known as the easiest method of sampling, because participants are selected based on availability and willingness to
take part of it.
A population is the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about
A sample is the specific group that you will collect data from.
informal - a type of definition that makes use of the synonyms or antonyms of a defined term
When a term is defined based on the context of the current study, then definition is being used? Operational
What rhetorical function is used to give special attention to details like parts. Description
When the writer tells the audience what to do and how to do something, then he is using what rhetorical function? instruction
Jimmy presented the results of his study in tables and graphs. Supplemental texts were also given. What rhetorical function did he use? classification