SafetyPractices refers to the guidelines and procedures implemented by a business (or any organization) to ensure people are safe while working.
The first aid procedure of CPR:
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation, also known as CPR.
Aquatic Hazard includes the physical, chemical, and microbiological hazards and their associated effects.
Jellyfish, Portuguese man-of-war or fire corals first aid procedure:
Get the person out of water.
To stop the stinging: (1) Wash the area with seawater to deactivate the stinging cells. (2) Rinse the area with vinegar for at least 30 secs. (3) Soak the area in hotwater for at least 20 mins. (4) To relieve inching and swelling, use mild hydrocortisonecream or oralantihistamine.
Sea urchin and weever fish first aid procedure:
Remove the large spine carefully with a tweezer.
Scrub wounds with soap and fresh water.
Do not close the wound with tape.
Environmental hazard is defined as the extreme events or substances in the Earth and its ecological system that may cause adverse consequences for human and things they value.
Environment Degradation refers to the scientific and technological development, uncontrolled economic and socio-cultural activities.
Disaster Management refers to the continuous and integrated process of planning, organizing, coordinating and implementing the measures which are necessary.
Aims of Disaster Management:
Preserve life
Prevent injury or illnesses
Promote recovery
Pain relief
Protect theunconscious
First aid for bleeding:
Cover the wound with gauze or cloth.
Apply direct pressure to stop the blood flow.
Do not remove the cloth. Add more layers if needed.
First aid for burns:
Flush the burned area with cool running water for several minutes.
Do not use ice.
Apply light gauze bandage.
Do not apply ointments, butter, or oily remedy to burn.
Take ibuprofen for pain relief if necessary.
Do not break any blister that may be formed.
First aid for fractures:
Do not try to straighten it.
Stabilize the limb using a splint and padding to keep it immobile.
Put a coldpack on the injury, avoid placing ice directly on the skin.
Elevate the extremity.
Give anti-inflammatory drugs.
Risk refers to the likelihood of realizing potential harm. It is a combination of 2 things - a chance that the hazard will cause harm and how serious that harm could be.
Hazard is anything that could cause harm.
Risk assessment refers to the understanding of the degree of the risk and probability or likelihood of it happening and occurring.
Risk reduction refers to the coming up of strategies and implementing the strategies that will minimize the risk of activities.
Itinerary refers to the plan of journey, including the route and the places that you will visit. Enumerating the activities and identifying the estimated date and time of when the activities will be taking place.